The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


For the first time in the race for the Republican nomination there is a clear leader and it is unquestionable. In fact the lead is so strong that it is not only well out of the margin of error but showing the previously steady support for Mitt Romney also shifting as Romney has faded in recent polling.

The Real Clear Politics average of all polling has Newt Gingrich domination the polls in the early primary states. Iowa has Gingrich up by 15 at 28% over Romney at 13% and Cain at 10%. In South Carolina the lead is more dramatic. Gingrich has a 23 point lead at 38% over Romney at 15% and Cain at 13%.

Florida which offers the largest number of delegates in the early primaries gives Gingrich a 24 point lead at 41% to Romney's 17% and Cain's 13%. With the early primaries just a little over a month away this clear Gingrich lead according to reports is causing great concern in the Romney camp as his former steady polling numbers in the low twenties has diminished with voters now clearly choosing a candidate and it obviously is not Romney.

Public Policy Polling is also showing that the allegations against Cain are now hurting him to the point that he has dropped to an almost distant third in all polling and former Cain supporters seem to be shifting to Gingrich as well as many former Romney supporters which is another reason the shift toward Gingrich has given him the clear lead for the GOP nomination.

Additionally Gingrich also holds the best favorable rating among registered voters compared to both Romney and Cain. The PPP polling also shows that Cain supporters who are questioning that support in light of the allegations clearly favor Gingrich over Romney as the former Speaker holds a 73% favorable rating over Romney's dismal 33%.

Another indication that recent polling is causing concern in the Romney camp comes from an interview conducted by Fox News Anchor Bret Baier in which Romney for the first time in any interview attacked Gingrich over policy and called Gingrich a career politician while he was a businessman. Of course Romney always neglects to mention that he has been involved in politics and not business since the early 90's when he made his first run challenging Ted Kennedy for the Senate in 1994.

Until recent polling the lead for the GOP nomination has either been within the margin of error or just out of the margin of error with the leader being in the low to mid twenties. Gingrich now has a commanding lead in early primary states and has emerged as the clear leader for the nomination based solely on his intelligence, his outstanding answers in every debate and his clear understanding of the issues with detailed answers and solutions which is resonating with voters.

Ken Taylor

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Massachusetts Democrat and long time scum bag Barney Franks announced that he will not run for reelection in the 2012 election. Frank stated that redistricting in his State makes campaigning harder, or in other words expanding his District doesn't give him the liberal lock that he has grown accustomed to in his 16 years in the House.

The two original authors of the debacle in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that was the catalyst of the 2008 housing market crash have now decided to leave Congress leaving the mess they made for someone else to clean up. Now of course neither Frank or Dodd admit that Fannie and Freddie are disasters and the sub prime mortgages they forced through in order to allow people who could not afford to buy a house to do so was and still is the problem in the housing industry.

Frank has been the subject of continuing controversy throughout his Congressional career and leaving with the handwriting on the wall that both the House and Senate will be GOP controlled after the 2012 election and the distinct probability that a Republican will be in The White House, Frank I am sure also realizes that he would face investigation and possible indictments for his very questionable actions especially with Fannie and Freddie. So Frank is gettin' while the gettin' is good , so to speak.

Frank makes the nineteenth long term Democrat who has announced they will not run for reelection in 2012. These radical lefties have destroyed our country and now that they have done the damage they leave the mess for someone else to clean up. Granted there is absolutely no sadness in their departure but it would be nice to see some of these scum stick around long enough to get what they deserve.

Ken Taylor

Monday, November 28, 2011


I have stated from the very beginning that Newt Gingrich would bury Barack Obama in a one on one debate. Newt's knowledge, political savvy and complete understanding of the issues as well as his attitude of obviously not caring how the media will spin him which allows him to say it like it is, so to speak, would show the world the real Obama and make the Idiot in Chief look like the total fool that he is.

Newts recent surge in the polls is a result of voters seeing his brilliance in the many debates that have shown the former Speaker as the most intelligent and knowledgeable of all the GOP candidates. On his worst day Newt shines in this above all others.

This video though comical as only Newt can be, throws down the gauntlet to Obama even to the point that Newt says Obama can use a TelePrompter in the debates. Obama will run as fast as possible from debating Newt as he knows he cannot hold a candle to him. Newt will not take Obama's, "No," as far as debating for an answer and will hound him as he states in the video even to the point of following him to every location Obama goes and rebut each speech within a few hours of an Obama visit. This I would not put past Newt.

Newt debating Barack Obama, NO CONTEST. Newt as President, an excellent answer to solve the disaster that has become Barack Obama and a leader who will restore American greatness and strength across the board.

Ken Taylor

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


As I was anticipating what Thanksgiving would offer, great food, time with our families, football, Christmas decorating and reflecting on the goodness that God has bestowed, I was traveling on one of the main highways near my home. It was cool for the Southeastern Coastal Area and the chill in the air actually added to the warm holiday feeling.

My thoughts were centering around Thanksgiving and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a 100 foot pole with what I believe is one of the most beautiful sights on earth waiving in the breeze. Old Glory was at full furl in the wind. As I took in this magnificent scene I began thinking about the marvelous heritage we as Americans have that no one else on earth can claim.

A heritage that at times we take for granted which has brought us freedom and liberty that have never been experienced before in human history except in this land we love, The United States of America. Freedom that began as ideals then flourished into the gathering of some of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known who met in Philadelphia in 1776 and displayed the courage to commit treason against the British Crown in placing their names on a most precious document that brought their ideals into reality and gave birth to a nation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

These are more than just words penned to paper but the birth of freedom and opportunity that began the heritage which allows each of us as Americans to relfect with grateful hearts for all that God has given us throughout our short and prosperous history. This heritage came at a cost through great sacrifice to insure that those freedoms expressed so many years ago which are, "endowed by our Creator," are able to continue for us and future generations.

I think of those bitter days at Valley Forge when the determination of George Washington held the fledgling Continental Army together to later become victorious baptizing this new Nation with the precious blood of fallen hero's. Of those terrible years from 1860-1865 when this young country and her Constitution were put through the ultimate test when brother fought brother, both believing that they were fighting for the same ideals that the Founders intended and when the test was over this Nation found a new birth of freedom that, "this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

I think of the Dough-Boys living in the filth of the trenches of WWI hundreds of miles from home yet still fighting for the same ideals that their brothers died for in the Revolution. Of the ,"Greatest Generation," who sacrificed and defeated fascism to ring liberties bell loud and long throughout the world as Old Glory flew proclaiming that all men can be free.

The men who landed at Inchon and climbed Pork Chop Hill in, "The Forgotten War, " Korea, but who fought for liberties flag with the same determination and sacrifice as their brothers of the past. Those who sacrificed and gave of themselves in the jungles of Vietnam standing true to liberties cause. The thousands of hero's of Desert Storm, Fallujah, Baghdad and the mountains of Afghanistan who defended liberty and sacrificed for freedom.

Then I realized that this marvelous heritage that has grown through history is not just a heritage of the past but a living vibrant heritage that continues to grow and flourish each day that the Red, White and Blue flies, whether here at home, the Middle East, north or south, east or west or where ever the influence of, " We the People," and the immortal words of the Declaration penned in 1776 and the Constitution penned in 1787 are expressed by our brave men and women in uniform or by travelers on business or pleasure both at home and abroad. For you see all of us are part of this historical and living heritage that is America.

As freedom rings in this land we love, General Washington still strides atop his white horse. Abraham Lincoln continues to share both his whit and his wisdom to us all. Orville and Wilbur Wright will always be flying at Kitty Hawk, NC. Thomas Edison is inventing the light bulb. Alexander Graham Bell still asks Watson, "can you hear me?" Both making earth changing discoveries. David O. Selznick forever directs Scarlett and Rhett. Sousa still waves his baton to the stirring fanfare of,"Stars and Stripes Forever."

As freedom rings in our beloved America, the battleship Arizona and her brave crew will always sail the seas. Lucy, Ricky, Barney, Andy and the Beaver forever make us laugh. John F. Kennedy eternally proclaims, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Neal Armstrong continues to, "take one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind." Ronald Reagan will always see, "the shining city on a hill, " and the World Trade Center will forever stand glistening in the sun.

Today in distant lands our best and brightest are fighting to keep this heritage of freedom and liberty alive and vibrant so that future generations can forever sing, "My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty of thee I sing." So that future generations will always be able to reflect with pride on the liberties they are now paying for with their unselfish sacrifice.

During this time set aside on the long calendar year to give thanks for all that we have and all that we are, let us not neglect to remember the bountiful blessing each of us know as The United States of America. Giving thanks for our family, our hero's serving in distant lands and here at home. Thanksgiving for our freedoms and the living, breathing heritage that keeps us free. God bless you and yours through this holiday season and may God continue to bless The United States of America. Happy Thanksgiving.

Ken Taylor

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Many accept without question the contention by the left that the Founders intended that there should be complete separation between church and state. Totally disregarding the Constitutional provision that states,"Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Choosing rather to accept ONLY the letter from Thomas Jefferson written in 1802 to the Danbury Baptist Association in which he mentions the words ,"separation of church and state."

Ignoring the true Constitutional clause found in the First Amendment preventing the establishment of a state church, not the elimination of God from our Nation and using Jefferson's words as a means of taking God from every aspect of American life trying to claim it is Constitutional and the intent of the Founders.

Below is the first Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation where one of our Founders in fact the Father of our country not only expresses a profound belief in God but His inclusion in affairs of state as he issues the proclamation for a day of prayer and Thanksgiving to ,"almighty God," as requested by both Houses of Congress.

So as you share Thanksgiving with your family enjoy reading the true intent of our Founders as expressed by our first President George Washington. May God bless you and yours, may he bless our Nation and I wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Ken Taylor

By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor-- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.

Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be-- That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks--for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation--for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interposition's of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war--for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed--for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted--for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions-- to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually--to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed--to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord--To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us--and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

George Washington

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Vilified as Nazis, racist, hate mongering evil and wanting to see the poor suffer in America the Tea Party became and is still the object of ridicule, hate and continuous condemnation by the left and especially the liberal press who have covered the Tea Party as if it was a radical right wing mercenary group rather than the grass roots movement against big government that it is.

Tea Party gatherings have been peaceful, respectful, honorable and regardless of the size in numbers have always left behind a clean and well kept venues whether in a building or in front of The US Capital. The Tea Party waves the flag with pride while calling for a return to Constitutional principles and traditions in which our country was founded upon. Never once calling for the end of America but only the return to limited government and the Constitution which created that limited government.

Love of country, love of fellow citizens and respect for traditional American principles prevail at Tea Party gatherings. But to hear the liberal press and left wing politicians and pundits the Tea Party is anti American and seeks the destruction of America and preaches hatred and racism.

Then appears the Occupy Wall Street crowd, praised by the left, backed by politicians who called for the Tea Party to, "go to hell." Begun by hate filled rhetoric from a President who has chosen to vilify wealth and the rich of our land and whose statements of contempt in class warfare have been the basis of the movement who also garner his well publicised support.

The Occupy movement has called for the destruction of Capitalism and praised socialistic and communist forms of government condemning our country our flag and everything America has stood for since the beginnings of our Republic. They have been far less than peaceful disrupting cities, business and even causing many small businesses who they claim to support to close there doors because of lost business and income due to the protests.

Many Occupy members have called for killing Americans, blowing up buildings and the destruction of property. Bill Ayers well known terrorist of the sixties and seventies responsible for the bombing of the Pentagon and the San Francisco Police Headquarters has been brought in to instruct Chicago occupiers on how to, "protest," as he did.

Disease and extreme disgusting health conditions have run rampant at all Occupy locations. Rape, criminal activity, filth, and the destruction of public and private property have been common place at all protests and encampments. Yet the liberal press and left wing politicians and pundits praise the occupiers and glorify them as patriots who are only exercising free speech and standing against, "evil."

If one were to listen to just the liberal media one would think the Tea Party were the destructive America hating radicals and the Occupiers the patriotic, loving peace movement who represents what America is. Everyday Americans standing for the Constitution and a renewed America whose traditions follow those of our Founders are condemned by the left and the press while those seeking Americas destruction while committing countless acts of violence and theft and destroying property are treated as heroes.

This is hypocrisy at it worst yet those who practice this hypocrisy see themselves as experts who know the mind of the American people and claim the people stand with the occupiers and hate the Tea Party. Yet average Americans avoid the crime ridden, hate filled occupiers and embrace the Tea Party whose values and beliefs are more in line with the vast majority of Americans.

Rudi Giuliani stated that the Occupy movement is owned by Barack Obama as it was his class warfare rhetoric that gave birth to the movement and his support that encouraged it. It will also be a chain around his neck as the election approaches and the Occupy movement survives into the election year as their destructive motivation, criminal acts and hatred of all that is American continues to show its ugly face to average Americans. It is then the lefts hypocrisy will come back to haunt them and their dear leader has yet one more nail is driven into the coffin of his defeat in November 2012.

Ken Taylor

Friday, November 18, 2011


This is not just protest or the exercise of free speech as it is being portrayed by much of the media. Occupy Wall Street and it's counter parts in several cities is quickly becoming a disgusting display of people proving just how disgusting they can be. Whether one is from the right or the left this should sicken anyone.

Sickness and disease is running rampant. Crime reigns in almost every camp with one having to actually erect a tent as a haven to protect women from being raped. Theft is rampant and businesses in the areas around the encampments are going bankrupt because of the loss of customers and these businesses are NOT the corporate entities that this supposed protest is complaining about.

Reports of suspicious deaths, massive injuries of the occupants and police who are just doing their job and trying to quell a public nuisance have become common place. Those who have been in New York City now are marching in the streets with the goal of disrupting everyday New Yorkers from going to work and home while making threats to blow up buildings and kill New Yorkers in the process.

In San Diego during a Occupy rally the participants held a moment of silence in solidarity for the man charged with attempting to assassinate the President who shot at The White House hitting the window of the private quarters. In Chicago, Bill Ayers who as a member of the Weatherman bombed the Pentagon, San Francisco Police Headquarters and other high profile locations is instructing Occupy members to, "protest," as he did.

Rudy Giuliani former Mayor of New York City states this disgusting display of lack of humanity belongs to Barack Obama resulting from his vilifying the wealthy and openly supporting the movement. Many others on the left have followed Obama's example in supporting this but not ONCE condemning the disgusting displays, criminal activity, deaths, injuries, rapes and health problems associated with the groups.

Any cedibility they may have had disappeared with the first defecation in the street, rape, murder and lack of any type of hygiene among the occupiers. They have shown themselves to be the low life of society who seek to blame others for their woes. While there may have been a scattered few with a possible legitimate complaint at the beginning of this loon fest, the true nature of its disgusting display has eliminated anything they may have been trying to accomplish.

Newt Gingrich made a great statement in the last GOP debate which says volumes about the occupiers seeking to destroy Capitalism and showing little humanity in the process. Referring to the press and their biased coverage of the occupiers when he stated, "I have yet to hear a single reporter ask a single occupier, who's going to pay for the park you're occupying if no business is allowed to make a profit." It is long past time for this disgusting display of the worst of humanity to end!

Ken Taylor

Thursday, November 17, 2011


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
The National debt met and exceeded $15 trillion dollars yesterday and continues to climb with no end in sight. Meanwhile the idiots in the Super Committee are arguing over ,"cutting," spending by $1.2 trillion or possibly, $4 trillion as one proposal calls for. This supposed cut is stretched out over ten years.

What ths DC crowd is NOT telling the American people is that BOTH figures in actuality are making ZERO in real cuts in our national spending or debt. The ONLY consideration these, "Representatives," are arguing over are cuts in the INCREASE and not real cuts that will actually tackle our national debt. Even if they decide on the $4 trillion dollar figure the debt will GROW $9 trillion dollars over the ten years.

Both figures only decrease the planned increase in spending and as such in reality will add to spending and the debt. Washington is not interested in cutting spending or decreasing the debt. Decreasing the increase is nothing more than a political game to attempt to decieve the public into believing lawmakers are actually concerned about spending and decreasing our debt.

This is one of the most incredible deceptions in our Nations history and NO ONE in the media is reporting the truth and just spewing the spin and lie about ,"spending cuts." Is there any more evidence we need to completely clean house with the 2012 elections and get real representation in DC that is willing to tackle the debt and spending to save our country from pending and real bankruptcy?

Ken Taylor

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


No one has ever won the Presidency much less reelection without taking States from the South. For Barack Obama this major statistic looks to pose a picture for defeat for 2012 especially after the 2011 elections held earlier this month. States that backed Obama in 2008 have now become solid GOP Red States who selected GOP candidates as a referendum of Obama policy.

Every Southern State with the exception of Arkansas now has a GOP Legislature and the Razorback State only needs a slight shift in the 2012 election to make the GOP's hold on the South unanimous. In 2008 North Carolina and Virginia were solidly in Obama's camp but now both States have chosen a GOP Legislature giving the Grand Old Party control of State Houses in both Southern States showing a shift that poses trouble for Obama in 2012.

Southern States are key for any reelection bid whether the incumbent President is Republican or Democrat and with the complete shift in the South to Republican Legislatures 2012 also looks to be a GOP year for US House and Senate seats as well as the Presidency. Once again a referendum against the Obama policy which has hurt the South in some ways more than any other area of the country.

Obama's continued insistence to continue down the path of destruction with failed policy that he has been on since taking office is now becoming his doom as the 2012 election draws closer. Voters are savvy to failure. Voters are hurting in the pocket book and the blame lays directly on Obama and his party of Socialists which spells major problems for 2012 for his reelection and the Dems holding the Senate and keeping seats in the House.

Ken Taylor

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


They are breaking away from the back leaving the second tier far enough behind that the race for the GOP nomination has become a virtual three man race. Perry, Bachman, Paul, Santorum and Huntsman have fallen off the grid with all five either below 12% or in most cases in single digits in most polling while the three front runners Cain, Gingrich and Romney are in a dead heat with all three within the margin of error ranging from 20% to 23% with the third place being only around 19%.

As we approach the Primaries which begin with the Iowa Caucus on January 3, 2012 the GOP front runners look to be the only survivors going into the Primaries and the likely survivors when the initial Primaries lead to the huge Super Tuesday March 6 where ten State Primaries are up for grabs during one day.

Depending on the poll either Cain or Romney are in the lead with Gingrich in third all within the margin of error. A new CNN poll has Romney and Gingrich leading within 2 percentage points of one another with Cain third about 5 points back from Gingrich who is second. The rest of the pack falls below 10% in the CNN poll.

The false allegations against Cain of sexual harassment which initially seemed to have no affect in the polling of late have watched the former sole front runner in almost every poll drop to either a tied status with Romney or a very close third as is the case in the CNN poll. Much of this fall is due to Cains somewhat poor handling of the allegations with his family who are in full support of Cain only coming out in support of him in the past couple of days which many believe has hurt him along with his lack of addressing the false charges for more than a week after they first appeared.

Gingrich has surged in the polls based mainly on his unmatched performances in each of the many GOP debates. His knowledge of the issues and his feisty answers especially when confronting the idiocy of the media have shown the former Speaker of the House to be the smartest candidate in the field and his straight forward and detailed solutions are also allowing voters to see a well informed candidate who understands how to solve problems in detail better than any of the candidates have expressed to date.

Romney has been stagnate from the beginning as voters have been seeking what many call the Romney alternative. Conservatives have great pause with Romney whose conservative credentials are questionable at best because of his record as Governor. Additionally Romney fairs poorly with Independents with internals in most polling actually showing him in a distant fourth among this voting block whose support is key to winning not just the nomination but the General Election next November.

As a conservative I would be happy with either Cain or Gingrich even with the baggage Gingrich has had in the past most of which he has refuted and or corrected with reasonable explanations. Cains problem with the false harassment charges mean nothing especially since he was exonerated and a recent voice stress test that I posted about last week have proven him to be innocent of these ridiculous allegations.

Romney has never been at or even near the top of my list as I see him as an opportunist conservative who has claimed those credentials only to garner votes to win Primaries with his record as Governor showing him to be a moderate at best and in many cases a more liberal moderate.

My concern with such a close race for the Primaries is the distinct possibility of the nomination going all the way to the Convention. The last time this happened and the nominee for the GOP was decided at the Convention since there was not a clear Primary winner was 1976. Ronald Reagan was the choice of the people as he had won more Primaries than Gerald Ford who was the incumbent President and the GOP establishment candidate. A deal was cut behind Reagan's back that gave the nomination to Ford angering Reagan as he was offered the VP slot as a consolation which he rejected. Ford went on to lose to Jimmy Carter.

Romney is the establishment Republican. That is why we are hearing so much favorable press coverage and why during the debate he is always deemed,"Presidential," and declared the winner regardless of his performance. The press and the GOP establishment crowned him long ago. The voters on the other hand have never bought into this scam and as such we see a three man race with two strong conservatives either ahead of or tied with Romney. If this goes to the Convention whether it is Cain or Gingrich or both against Romney for the nomination we may very well see a replay of 1976 since the establishment fears a conservative as they did Reagan then.

So the challenge for conservatives and independents who do not necessarily like Romney is to not sit back on laurels and wait for the Primaries to decide the nominee but get out in large numbers and vote for the conservative candidate of our choice and make sure the conservative gets the nomination. A real conservative is what we need and a real conservative can win in 2012. It is up to us to make sure the conservative candidate meets to defeat Obama for the Presidency.

Ken Taylor

Sunday, November 13, 2011


The media loves to attempt manipulation by its so called reporting. They will use their ability to spin words to make anything sound appealing if it goes against their agenda or makes a politician the ideal candidate or elected official favorable regardless of record or beliefs. We witnessed media manipulation during the 2008 election when the media darling Barack Obama was given a free ride by the press and a completely unvetted nobody became President.

The love affair with Obama though continuing has faded somewhat since the last election but the press has latched on to another politician who they believe can be forced down the throats of voters like Obama was and as such become the media choice in a Presidential election. The difference this time is the media affair is not because they so much favor this candidate but realize their real media darling Barack Obama can beat him and even if he wins they get a President more to their liking than all the others running. This mew media darling it Mitt Romney.

Evidence the reporting after every debate thus far. Both immediate analyses, pundit spin and commentators opinion declare Romney the winner without giving any real substantive reasons as to why he won every debate and almost every description states that Romney and only Romney looked, "Presidential."

First, to the claim that Romney looks Presidential. How does one look Presidential? Kevin Kline looked Presidential when he played President Bill Mitchell and the naive Dave Kovacs in the movie, "Dave." But would you really want this Presidential looking man actually in The White House making decisions that affect all of our lives?

Michael Douglas looked very Presidential in the movie, "The American President," and even got a little testy in a press conference when he stated dramatically before the press cameras and the theatre audience, "I AM the President," sounding extremely Presidential. Yet would you want Douglas behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office deciding the fate of our country?

But according to all of the media pundits after every debate Romney sounds and looks Presidential with hair in place and gestures just right while speaking in carefully practiced tones making much quoted sound bites. But THAT does not a President make. Looking and sounding Presidential makes for good theatre and the media knows it so they play off on this as a means of making their media darling the Presidential choice for conservatives, Republicans and Independents.

Polling on the other hand show voters don't see it the medias way. Romney at best stays a stagnant 20% - 23% in every poll staying either second or third with polling among Independents dropping the media darling to fourth in most polls. A voter block that is necessary to win any election even Primaries where conservative leaning Independents make a difference in selecting GOP nominees.

Little is heard in the media about the real Romney that was Governor of Massachusetts. The Governor who pushed through Romneycare which was the blue print for Obamacare and very unpopular with conservatives and independents who favor repeal of Obamacare. Romney embraces his state passed baby yet claims to dislike and plans to repeal Obamacare if elected. Which is is Mr. Presidential looking one, do you like government run health care or not? No one in the media has called him on this and he gets a free ride when it comes to questions at debates as he is continually allowed to avoid Romneycare and claim to hate Obamacare.

Romney was for abortion then against it with no explanation. He was for increased taxation then against it with no explanation. He was for the Unions then against them with no explanation. He was for increased regulation in damaging environmental extremes now he's against them with no explanation. He believes in man made Global Warming but denies it when expedient during debates with no explanation.

Meanwhile the press gives him a free ride on answering any of his flip flops by accepting his avoidance of explaining his different views only to allow him to state just his current view and tout how his book explains his view. This is what the media calls Presidential, avoiding answers and making sound bites. They let Obama get away with this and now they let Romney do the same.

Obama and others in his administration have claimed Romney as the candidate they are most concerned about as a means of making him look challenging to Obama's reelection bid. When in reality the ONLY reason Obama would mention Romney in this manner is because he believe he can beat him. That is why the media touts Romney as the crowned nominee and constantly state he will be the nominee regardless of polling because they too know Obama can beat him and thus Romney becomes their media darling so they can push someone who will keep their first love in office.

These two facts alone should cause any voter who does not want a second Obama term to run away from Romney as fast as possible. If Obama AND the media favor him he is dangerous as the GOP nominee because he is very beatable and likely to lose. The media love affair with Romney will end if he gets the GOP nod as the press will rally behind their first love and seek to destroy Romney in the process to get Obama reelected.

From a principle stand point, Romney is the ultimate RINO which causees great pause with conservatives who understand his flip flop on the issues and see Romneycare as only a state version of Obama's national health care. If Romney supports one we understand he will support many similar eliminates of the other if elected to the Presidency.

Romney is not the principled conservative he claims to be and his record proves it. How he governed in Massachusetts shows without doubt how he will govern in Washington. He claims to be just a business man but in actuality he is far more politician than businessman and his flip flops and avoidance of real answers proves that as well.

No amount of media push of Romney can change the facts about this RINO. His support doesn't not grow because most understand who he is and are savvy enough to discover the truth about Romney's record without accepting the medias take and his looking so Presidential. We want someone who can BE President and not just look the part. Many Presidents have looked the part and failed in the job.

Admittedly Romney would make a better President by far than the pretender in the Oval Office now. But we are not at that point in the election process yet. There is still time to select a nominee who stands for the conservative ideals we need to fully restore our Nation. The media, the left and the establishment GOP claim a true conservative cannot win because they fear true conservatism and how when applied in government it shrinks the animal the left, the media and the establishment love so well.

A conservative can win and can change the direction our country is heading. Reagan proved it in 1980 when the media rallied around the establishment candidate George H.W. Bush and feared the true conservatism of Ronald Reagan. Reagan won and reversed the dangerous direction our country had taken then. Romney is the 2012 H.W.Bush. The RINO who allows the left, the media and the establishment to be comfortable. We need a true conservative and a true conservative can win. There is no need to settle with the RINO just because the media think he looks, "Presidential."

Ken Taylor

Friday, November 11, 2011


They forged a nation by their sacrifice and blood at places like Lexington, Trenton, Camden and Yorktown. They defended the Capitol in 1812 and in that same century fought in unlikely places like Resaca de la Palmae , Rio San Gabriel in Mexico, Gettysburg, Shilo, and Antietam. They suffered in the muddy trenches of Europe in WWI and stormed the beaches of Normandy, Anzio, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa in WWII. Korea found them at Inchon and Pork Cop Hill and Vietnam sent them to Hamburger Hill, Song Be and the, " Hanoi Hilton."

They combed the seas and skies during the Cold War while in a state of readiness , watching the moves of , "the Big Red Dog." They liberated Kuwait and have fought in the Middle East once again at Fallujah, Bagdhad, and the mountains of Afghanistan. They have served in Germany, Japan, and every nation in the free world as well as thousands of posts throughout The United States. While the Founding Fathers are the authors of our Nation, Veterans are the defenders and the protectors of our freedoms and liberties.

They never left home to be heroes, but in defending this nation that is what they became. Some sought excitement and just the opportunity of leaving home. While others left because of a sense of duty. Not one ever knowing what was in store nor whether they would return home but knowing that service to their country was something they had to do.

They said goodbye to sweethearts, wives, children, moms, dads, friends and neighbors not knowing when they would meet again but left everyone with the assurance that they were doing what they felt was right and necessary for them and the nation they loved. Some never made it home , while others returned troubled by what they experienced or disabled because of wounds received. Many would not talk of what they had seen but all understood that the sacrifice they made was not in vain and helped to keep this Nation and their loved ones free.

Each of us owe a dept of gratitude to these silent heroes that this Nation and her people will never be able to repay. For it is through their sacrifice and commitment that we live and breath in the free air of liberty. With their lives these brave men and women have paid for our liberties by their blood. Through their sweat and determination they fought for a country that they loved and in principles they not only believed in but were willing to lay down their life to defend.

It is because of their sacrifice that we remain free. It is because of their willingness to serve that we are strong and a Nation of greatness. It is because of their dedication to the cause of liberty that we bask in the light of that Statue in the Harbor that calls to the world, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Each morning we wake in this Nation of the free we owe a debt of thanks to a Vet! As we live and perform our daily tasks we owe a Vet ! When our children leave on the bus in the morning or we drop them off at school we owe their freedom to receive an education to a Vet! When we wake on Sunday mornings and leave for our place of worship we owe that freedom to a Vet ! When we play at Yosemite or in the waves that hit our shores we owe that liberty to a Vet ! When we turn on the tube and root for our favorite NFL , MLB or NBA team or join the fans in the stadiums we owe that enjoyment to a Vet ! When we cash that paycheck or make an investment for the future of our family we owe that financial freedom to a Vet !

When we stand in tribute to the flag that waves in the breeze we owe the very fact that that flag still waves to a Vet ! Our Veterans have served, sacrificed and yes many have died to insure that this Nation will always be free and that each of us who call America home can live free and never worry that those freedoms will be threatened by a foreign power, or military force without their intervention and protection.

While they never sought to be heroes each of them throughout our history have become heroes as they served this Nation and her people throughout the world and here at home. From the beginning our Veterans have told us, " while I serve you will never need worry because I am on watch !"

We owe each of them so much more than we can ever give. They are among us wherever we go in this land and at every opportunity we should tell them how much we appreciate all that they have given for our Nation and our people. Then watch the glimmer in the eye shine with pride just because we said, "thank you !"

They never ask for that thanks but when it is given it causes a swell of pride for a job well done and a service that has kept us free. Today and everyday where ever they may be and whenever we meet them be sure to thank a Vet because we owe them for our freedom, our liberty and the very existence of our Nation!

Ken Taylor

Thursday, November 10, 2011


An Atlanta private investigator has proven the innocence of Herman Cain and the lie of Sharon Bialek using voice analyzing hardware used by law enforcement to determine whether s suspect is telling the truth or not. The hardware is 95% accurate and is a vital tool used in many law enforcement offices around the country.

The PI used the hardware during the Press Conference held by both Cain and Bialek. The hardware gives a reading of high, medium or low risk of the subject telling a lie based on voice inflections and stress levels as the subject speaks. The accuracy of the hardware is much higher than a polygraph test which Cain stated he was willing to take.

As Cain spoke during his presser the hardware never varied from low risk while Bialek on the other hand did. In fact when she described her allegation and what she claimed Cain did to her the hardware peaked and remained in the high risk. As a result the hardware shows that Cain is absolutely truthful in his denial of all allegations as more than just the supposed Bialek incident was spoken of during his presser as the hardware never varied from low risk while Bialek is shown to be lying.

I wonder now that this important revelation has emerged and with the media frenzy over the GOP front runner how many news outlets will report this rather than concentrating on the false accusers and vilifying a man of integrity who they fear because of his conservative stance and the fact that he is a black man who does not fit the lefts mold of what a black man should be. If we had a media in this country that had fair and balanced journalistic reporting this would be the headline to prove a good mans innocence. But since the media is only tabloid in its news worthiness items and seeking sensational headlines that can especially attack a conservative my guess is that this item will go unnoticed!

Ken Taylor

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


Poll Position which conducts numerous scientific polls that have been extremely accurate in political races has a very interesting poll that was taken over the past few days during all of the media frenzy over the supposed allegations against Herman Cain. The poll found that Cain still leads the race with Romney remaining stagnant and Newt Gingrich closing the gap creating a three man race with all other GOP contenders well down in the pack.

Among GOP likely voters Cain holds a 24% lead over Mitt Romney's 20% with Gingrich climbing to 19% with a margin of error of 4% there is virtually a three way tie for the lead. Rick Perry is next in line at 7% with Ron Paul at 6%, Bachman at 2% and Huntsman at 3%.

Among Independents the results were much more specific in deciding a clear leader in the race. Independents polled who were likely voters in a GOP Primary or Caucus gave Cain a clear lead at 30% with Gingrich in the second position at 23%, Paul at 12% and Mitt Romney who is usually in the top three in fourth at 11%.

Another interesting result asked likely voters how they would vote with a head to head match of Cain/Gingrich against Obama/Biden. The poll which surveyed Republicans, Independents and Democrats had Cain/Gingrich at 44% with Obama/Biden at 43%.

Breaking down the poll further not surprisingly Republicans overwhelmingly chose Cain/Gingrich while Democrats did the same with Obama/Biden. With Independents who are a key voter group for victory in 2012 and also gave a majority vote for Obama in 2008, the news is not so good for Obama as 2012 approaches. Independents overwhelmingly chose Cain/Gingrich 46% to 34% over Obama/Biden.

All in all is seems the perceived scandal against Cain has not caused much damage for the GOP front runner and Obama is in bad shape with voters for reelection in 2012. Good news for we who understand that this election is for the salvation of America from Obama's destruction of Obama!

Ken Taylor


They forged a nation by their sacrifice and blood at places like Lexington, Trenton, Camden and Yorktown. They defended the Capitol in 1812 and in that same century fought in unlikely places like Resaca de la Palmae , Rio San Gabriel in Mexico, Gettysburg, Shilo, and Antietam. They suffered in the muddy trenches of Europe in WWI and stormed the beaches of Normandy, Anzio, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa in WWII. Korea found them at Inchon and Pork Cop Hill and Vietnam sent them to Hamburger Hill, Song Be and the, " Hanoi Hilton."

They combed the seas and skies during the Cold War while in a state of readiness , watching the moves of , "the Big Red Dog." They liberated Kuwait and have fought in the Middle East once again at Fallujah, Bagdhad, and the mountains of Afghanistan. They have served in Germany, Japan, and every nation in the free world as well as thousands of posts throughout The United States. While the Founding Fathers are the authors of our Nation, Veterans are the defenders and the protectors of our freedoms and liberties.

They never left home to be heroes, but in defending this nation that is what they became. Some sought excitement and just the opportunity of leaving home. While others left because of a sense of duty. Not one ever knowing what was in store nor whether they would return home but knowing that service to their country was something they had to do.

They said goodbye to sweethearts, wives, children, moms, dads, friends and neighbors not knowing when they would meet again but left everyone with the assurance that they were doing what they felt was right and necessary for them and the nation they loved. Some never made it home , while others returned troubled by what they experienced or disabled because of wounds received. Many would not talk of what they had seen but all understood that the sacrifice they made was not in vain and helped to keep this Nation and their loved ones free.

Each of us owe a dept of gratitude to these silent heroes that this Nation and her people will never be able to repay. For it is through their sacrifice and commitment that we live and breath in the free air of liberty. With their lives these brave men and women have paid for our liberties by their blood. Through their sweat and determination they fought for a country that they loved and in principles they not only believed in but were willing to lay down their life to defend.

It is because of their sacrifice that we remain free. It is because of their willingness to serve that we are strong and a Nation of greatness. It is because of their dedication to the cause of liberty that we bask in the light of that Statue in the Harbor that calls to the world, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Each morning we wake in this Nation of the free we owe a debt of thanks to a Vet! As we live and perform our daily tasks we owe a Vet ! When our children leave on the bus in the morning or we drop them off at school we owe their freedom to receive an education to a Vet! When we wake on Sunday mornings and leave for our place of worship we owe that freedom to a Vet ! When we play at Yosemite or in the waves that hit our shores we owe that liberty to a Vet ! When we turn on the tube and root for our favorite NFL , MLB or NBA team or join the fans in the stadiums we owe that enjoyment to a Vet ! When we cash that paycheck or make an investment for the future of our family we owe that financial freedom to a Vet !

When we stand in tribute to the flag that waves in the breeze we owe the very fact that that flag still waves to a Vet ! Our Veterans have served, sacrificed and yes many have died to insure that this Nation will always be free and that each of us who call America home can live free and never worry that those freedoms will be threatened by a foreign power, or military force without their intervention and protection.

While they never sought to be heroes each of them throughout our history have become heroes as they served this Nation and her people throughout the world and here at home. From the beginning our Veterans have told us, " while I serve you will never need worry because I am on watch !"

We owe each of them so much more than we can ever give. They are among us wherever we go in this land and at every opportunity we should tell them how much we appreciate all that they have given for our Nation and our people. Then watch the glimmer in the eye shine with pride just because we said, "thank you !"

They never ask for that thanks but when it is given it causes a swell of pride for a job well done and a service that has kept us free. Today and everyday where ever they may be and whenever we meet them be sure to thank a Vet because we owe them for our freedom, our liberty and the very existence of our Nation!

Ken Taylor

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


During an almost comical presser a Chicago woman who worked as a fund raiser with the National Restaurant Association during the tenure of then CEO Herman Cain, Sharon Bialek accused Cain of sexual harassment and to say the least her statement raised several questions that made her credibility questionable as well.

First was her association with well known media whore lawyer Gloria Allred who has long been known for sensational claims and many unfounded accusations and whose last high profile client was instructed to lie by Allred in order to help Anthony Wiener during his text picture scandal that eventually forced his resignation from Congress.

Bialek was almost giggling as she made her statement before the press and many of her recollections alone caused more questions than answers as to the validity of her accusations. She described a supposed encounter with Cain where in her story Cain attempted to place his hand under her dress and her ONLY response was that she had a boyfriend rather than the hundreds of other responses that most would think any woman would have in a similar situation such as a slap in the face or harsh words as well as pushing the person away.

Another questionable part of her statement was her ability to describe in detail what she and Cain were wearing from an encounter that supposedly happened in 1996. How many of us can remember what we wore last week much less 15 years ago and to the point that she remembered how Cains shirt was buttoned?

It is also now known that she has filed bankruptcy twice the second time recently and has lost a paternity suit that was taken out against her from the man she claimed was the father of her son. She is also now unemployed and is making the media tour to gain her 15 minutes of fame that she seems to be seeking and Gloria Allred is famous for.

At least at this point the accusations and this new one whose credibility is extremely questionable have not been hurting Cain in the polls as most believe this to be a political hack job. I do believe that Cain has not handled this well although he has been consistent in his denial of the accusations but his avoidance of addressing it at times and his not demanding the release of the NRA records that exonerated him while he was CEO have caused some questions that are needed to be answered.

While the credibility of this accuser is highly questionable her presser has kept this story as the lead in news cycles and above the fold in the papers and as such continues to distract in Cains campaign for The White House and keeps the focus on the accusations and NOT on Barack Obama and his failures which only continues to help Obama in his bid for reelection.

Ken Taylor

Sunday, November 06, 2011


We have been witness this past week to the worst and most nasty style of politics ever used in a political campaign, as a means to derail a Presidential nominee or just any attempt to keep from dealing with any issue, the politics of personal destruction. Rather than look for ways of dealing with a political opponent by means of defeating him/her by the issues seeking to destroy him/her by destroying them on a personal basis are used with allegations either exaggerated or completely untrue.

For more than a week at a time when our Nation is suffering in ways almost never before seen in our history and we have a President who is leading this country down a path of destruction taking us as a Nation further away from the principles and traditions that have made this country great, rather than hearing or reading about the issues that easily can defeat this President the focus has been on a personal attack against the front runner for the GOP nomination, Herman Cain.

This type of distraction in politics is nothing new. We have witnessed it many times before and each time it became such a distraction that the real issues and problems that we face as a Nation faded into obscurity and became almost invisible as we now have a media that is more interested in sensationalism than reporting news or finding the truth behind a story.

At at time when a Presidential campaign should be completely focused on defeating the plague against out Nation that is currently occupying The White House the focus has been almost entirely on the attacks against Cain without any proof as to the validity of the attacks just innuendos, anonymous sources and here say evidence. What makes matters worse is that at least for the moment the source of the leak which spawned this media circus seems to be pointing toward one of the GOP rivals rather than the left opposition which makes this much more ridiculous since it has helped the Obama campaign while hurting the GOP since the focus has been taken off the issues of a failed President.

The left is well known for attacking using the politics of personal destruction since they know they can never win on the issues as their stance on issues is in contrast to the majority of voters. So rather than discuss the issue an allegation is made and placed before a media all to willing to report gossip or anyting personal rather than real issue oriented news and the frenzy begins while the left just sits back and enjoys the show reaping the benefits of having their lack of credence on issues at least temporarily taken out of the spotlight and seeing their opponent taken down by perceived scandals and innuendos.

The left and the media believe it is the seriousness of the charge and not whether that charge is based in truth or reality that matters so any allegations become a media trial where the accused is found guilty simply by the allegations and no amount of truth is allowed to overcome the charges since the charge itself is the means of destroying the opponent in the public eye.

What makes this particular attack against Herman Cain so much more disgusting is the very distinct probability that a fellow Republican is using the lefts method of operation as a means of taking down an opponent rather than dealing with the issues and keeping the focus of this Presidential campaign on defeating Obama which is where it belongs. By placing the allegations against Cain in the hands of the leftist media whomever leaked it knew it would take on a life of its own as the media frenzy took over and all they need do is sit back and let it happen and the seriousness of the charge minions on the left do the work for them.

All the while Barack Obama and his campaign for reelection sit back in The White House laughing as they watch the media do what they cannot do and that is defeat Republicans on the issues so Obama watches the issues disappear from public view and his opposition being raked over the coals in a media frenzy while he takes advantage of the moment with headlines off of his failure and his numbers rising if for just a moment in the fray of the seriousness of the charge crowd.

Obama's campaign for reelection has been going downhill for months as his failure as President and his polices of destruction of our country have been the focus of the campaign to defeat him. Voters have been awakened to the truth of that failure as Republican candidates have been able through the means of being the only real campaign news, focus the issues against Obama and as such the public has been listening to the reality of the real dangers Obama poses to another four years in The White House.

Since this perceived scandal against Cain has risen all of the mounting evidence against the reelection of Obama have disappeared and been replaced with the media frenzy of the attack against Cain and Obama has had yet another free pass and ride with a media who does not need ANY help in giving Obama a pass on the issues since they have been his staunches supporters from day one.

If this attack against Cain is truly found to have begun by an opposing GOP candidates campaign then regardless of who they are that alone should be enough to spell defeat for that candidate for the GOP nomination since is shows a lack of character and the ability to lead by whomever allowed this media circus to begin by leaking the allegations and using the tactics of the left and the tool of the left, the media, rather than issues to take down an opponent.

Issues win election not scandal. Republicans have enough evidence through issues alone to defeat Obama and taking the focus off those issues even if for only a week or two by placing a perceived scandal in the hands of a media all to willing to focus on gossip and sensationalized, "news," is the lowest form of politics and unworthy of anyone who is seeking the Presidency especially when Republicans have the upper hand on the issues.

Defeating Obama is going to be tough enough without providing the Obamatrom media another tool to assist their chosen one in remaining in The White House. The leftist media does NOT need the help of a perceived scandal against a GOP candidate to favor Obama and misdirect the public from the issues and the failure of this President. If the attack against Cain has truly come from a fellow Republican then all that moron has done is help Obama and not bring down the GOP front runner.

Ken Taylor

Friday, November 04, 2011


Joseph Fassler a man who above all the fray over the accusation againsts Herman Cain is one who is in the know since during the time of the accusations, Fassler was Chairman of the Board of the National Restaurant Association and according to him this supposed scandal is nothing more than a, "hatchet job."

Fassler stated that as a board chairman he would have been not only fully informed about the situation but if any supposed payout was provided the board would have had to approve it. He also stated that the accuser being given a severance pay was not uncommon not only for the NRA nor any corporate entity. Since it was a severance in what he calls a pittance amount, it was not necessary for the board to be informed and it would have been normal practice in a situation of baseless claims.

Fassler went on to state that Cain was an excellent CEO whose reputation and integrity was unquestionable and his business savvy was far superior to anyone he has known. If there was any bases in the accusation, again an investigation proved they were baseless, it would have been completely out of character with Cain.

In a related story GOP candidate Newt Gingrich places the circus atmosphere over this supposed scandal squarely on the media. Gingrich stated that the media should be concentrating on Cains solid tax plan and his stance on the issues rather than this hyped up scandal that is feeding the media frenzy.

Once again polling is showing voters see though the hype and an obvious political witch hunt as a Rasmussen poll taken after the false accusations hit the news has Herman Cain with a solid lead among likely voters at 26% over Romney at 23% and Gingrich with 15% all other candidates are below 10%. Voters understand a baseless political attack when they see one and Cain is rising above the fray and staying steady in his quest for the GOP nomination and The White House. All this supposed scandal is doing is taking the spotlight of the failure of Obama and the necessity to defeat him and save our country.

Ken Taylor

Thursday, November 03, 2011


As my time is somewhat limited for posting today I am goin to let Rush Limbaugh bring the low down, (click here), on the ridiculous charges and attacks against Herman Cain. They are unfounded and baseless yet the media is feeding off of this as if it were the biggest scandal in history. Voters obviously are not buying the media and disgustingly unfair attacks as he continues to climb in the polls and is THE clear front runner. the latest poll shows Cain with a 10 point lead in South Carolina, my home state with Cain at 33%, Romney 23% and Gingrich 15%. Board the Cain Train with me all the way to The White House.

Ken Taylor

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Whether it was an attack from the left who fear Herman Cain as a black man who is a conservative thus not fitting into the liberal mold the left expects from blacks, or an opposing GOP campaign who fear Cain because his strong conservatism scares the GOP establishment while connecting with the people, Cain is rising above the perceived scandal as voters seem to recognize it as a politically motivated attack.

The day the news broke about the false accusation of sexual harassment against Cain while he was the CEO of the National Restaurant Association, allegations that were found baseless in a subsequent investigation by the Association, Cain's campaign experienced the largest single day online campaign donations since he announced his candidacy several months ago.

A new Quinnipiac poll taken from October 25 - 31 as the supposed scandal was dominating the news, Cains lead among GOP contenders has grown and in fact is now out of the margin of error. Cain holds a 30% to 23% lead over Mitt Romney with Newt Gingrich moving into a solid third place while Rick Perry has completely faded to a distant fourth.

Herman Cains rise to front runner comes from a connection with voters that is reminiscent to that of President Reagan during the 1980 Presidential campaign. Cain like Reagan sparked fear on the left as liberals attacked then candidate Reagan at every turn, attacks which continued during his Presidency. The GOP establishment feared Reagan as they do Cain because his conservatism like Cains connected with voters who were fed up with the GOP establishment as they are now.

Cain unlike Romney represents true conservative values and his conservatism is real and not created to attempt to convince voters in light of a record like that of Romney's that is far from conservative. Cain exceeds Perry in his true conservatism as doubts about Perry plague him which is evident as his poll numbers continue to plummet.

Cain bodes better in his conservatism than Newt Gingrich who though a strong conservative has angered many because of his backing of more left leaning establishment candidates in the 2010 election and his association with Nancy Pelosi on the issue of man made Global Warming. As a result Gingrich hurt his former strong support among conservatives which is showing as he has consistently been no more than third in most polling. His commanding performance in the debates has strengthened his campaign but doubts about him still plaque the former Speaker.

Cain is rising above this perceived scandal and voters are savvy enough to see a politically motivated attack when they see one. As a result Cain's support has not faded nor is it likely. Those who once thought him as the flavor of the week in the GOP field are beginning to wise up and understand that Cain is the real deal and may very well be the GOP nominee as his connection with the people continues to grow along with his support among voters.

Ken Taylor

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Republican Presidential Candidate and front runner Herman Cain in an article in Politico using, "anonymous," sources as its bases has called accusations of sexual harassment made against him in the 1990's when he was CEO of the National Restaurant Association, "false," and "baseless."

Cain stated the accusations were baseless and an investigation when they were made found them not only baseless but false. In the above press conference Cain stated that he was unaware of any settlement, a claim that was also made in the Politico hit piece but in an interview on Great Van Susteren, Cain stated that after spending the day remembering some of the details of this false claim against him, he does remember something about a small severance settlement amounting to roughly three months pay for one of the accusers.

Cain stated that after recusing himself as CEO, an investigation concluded that there was no bases for the accusation and the two female employees were no longer employed with the Association. Cain did state one incident in the accusation where he made a gesture holding his hand up to his chin stating that one of the female accusers was the same height as his wife was an incident that was part of the baseless accusations.

This is nothing more than a political hit piece against a candidate that strikes fear in liberals and yes, even the Republican establishment. Libs fear Cain because he does not fit the mold of the typical black man the left expects and the GOP establishment fears his strong conservative message which connects with voters and has made him the front runner as a result.

This stinks of a political hit to try and bring Cain down as a candidate and is very reminiscent of the baseless attacks against another conservative black man, Clarence Thomas, when he was nominated for SCOTUS and a supposed accuser named Anita Hill was brought to Capital Hill as part of a witch hunt against Thomas. The hearings found Hills accusations baseless but only after the left vilified Thomas in public before he was ultimately confirmed to the Court becoming one of our greatest Justices.

Herman Cain will rise above this and continue the Cain train to the GOP nomination. In fact a poll released after the news of the false accusation became public found Cain leading all GOP candidates including Rick Perry in Texas the home state of both Perry and Ron Paul and where Perry is the current Governor. Cain connects with the people and the people understand this as the baseless false political attack this is against a strong conservative candidate whose rise continues.

Ken Taylor

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