During both performances Wright stated that the , "attacks, " against him were not toward him but the black church and he re-emphasised statements that he has made in the past claiming that The United States worked with Al Qaeda to bring about 9/11 and our government created the AIDS virus to kill blacks.
So my first question about appalled and outraged Barack Obama is where was he when these statements were first made and the press was covering them during the past several weeks ? Wasn't it during this time that the Illinois Senator was stating that Wright was his mentor and friend and though he may disagree with some of what the controversial pastor says he could no more, "disown, " him than he could his grandmother ?
During and interview on Fox News with Chris Wallace last weekend Obama still followed that same line when questioned about Wright and again claimed to disagree with some of the statements but that he considered Wright a friend and would not disown him.
Then as the controversy over Wright blossomed more with his visits to the NAACP and the National Press Club and the polls began to show that Wright's association with Obama was hurting the Senator and even many liberal pundits began saying that Obama was NOT electable because of it, the hypocritical politician now claims that Wright is, "not the man he knew twenty years ago."
Yet this man he knew twenty years ago is no different today than he was last week when Obama stood with his friend. So which is it Barack ? Do we believe that all of a sudden you are appalled by the same man who last week was your friend ? Or do we believe that you have had a sudden enlightening of your conscience and understand how truly appalling and offensive this man and his statements really are ?
Or do we believe that you suddenly realized that standing with your mentor meant losing the election so you decided to abandon Wright for political expedience and are trying to regroup because he was hurting you in the polls ? All evidence shows that the last is the case and Obama is playing the hypocritical politician.
So does the Senator from Illinois actually NOT agree with Wright or just claims to be appalled because of his lagging poll numbers ? Again my bet would be the latter rather than the former. Wright has been making controversial statements like this for years and it is ONLY when Obama saw the handwriting on the wall and the reaction from the public that he decided that distancing himself from Wright was the thing to do.
Before the public reaction he had no reason to abandon his former pastor and mentor, (incidentally he called him his mentor only a few weeks ago), so Obama kept quiet until he saw or was told by handlers that he HAD to distance himself or lose the election.
Bottom line here is that we still do not know whether Obama actually disagrees with Wright or just dissociates himself because of politics only. Is this what this country needs or wants for President ? Are these the type of judgement calls that the Commander In Chief and leader of our Nation should make ? Is this the type of decision making process that will best serve our Country ? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Obama has proven once again that he has no business, experience or the capability to be President of The United States. Abandoning Wright and the process it took to get to that point was poor judgement and to little to late.
Ken Taylor