Then Mitt Romney to my surprise chose Paul Ryan as his running mate. I feared that Tim Pawlenty or Rob Portman would be announced but he chose Ryan which indicated to me that he understood my conservative values much more than I had thought and embraced them more than I had believed. Though Ryan added an excitement for the Republican ticket that I had not known before his selection I still had hesitation about Rommey.
Then I watched him as he accepted the nomination at the Republican Convention. I watched as he walked the length of the hall personally thanking delegates for entrusting him with the nomination of the party and trusting him with the awesome responsibility of the Presidency. I saw a humble man who with that deep humility accepted the nomination and did so with a heart felt appreciation for everyone who has placed their trust in him.
I saw a man who places his love of God foremost and that defines who he is and his convictions. I saw a man who loves his family and worked hard to protect and provide for them as a loving father who adores his wife and supports proudly his children and grand children. I saw a man who because of his humble back ground understands the suffering that Americans are experiencing and because of that understanding will as President serve the American people with his whole heart and mind seeking to find the answer that will make future generations more prosperous that previous generations because that is the American way.
I saw a man who loves our country with a patriotic passion and understands that it is the strength of America that keeps her people safe and it is through that strength that America leads the world. I saw a man who as President will work to restore that strength and lead our Nation as the light of hope and liberty for the world. I saw a man that understands also that it is the strength of America the keeps her safe and makes our enemies pause because they know that America and her President will defend this Nation with a resolve that is unmatched in the world.
I saw a man who identifies with Americans who are struggling day to day and will use every moment of his Presidency to lead our Nation back to the prosperity that the last four years has stolen from our Nation and especially the 23 million who are either unemployed or under employed. I saw a man who understands that debt and deficits will be the destruction of America and sees as his responsibility as President to reverse that nightmare and restore fiscal sanity for the future of America and the prosperity of our children and grand children.
I saw a man who understands business and how to allow business to prosper getting government out of the way, create jobs and restore a struggling economy and thus a strong Nation. I saw a man who is in the right place at the right time and will lead our Nation back to the America we know exists and the America we have known in our life time that has been stolen by Barack Obama. I saw a man who will lead by true Constitutional principles and seek to restore those principles to Washington.
I saw a man who I can now enthusiastically support for President and in whom I too as those who shook his hand on the Convention floor can trust with the awesome responsibility of President of The United States. Mitt Romney the next President of The United States.
Ken Taylor