In the weekly radio address that is given by the Democrats as a rebuttal to the one given by the President, Nancy Pelosi the House Minority leader laid out the Democratic agenda named, " New Direction For America." Pelosi stated several ideas for this ,"new, " plan which include some of the usual Democrat proposals, raising the minimum wage to $7.25, the old Social Security kick, prescription drugs, affordable health care and education except that this time education was narrowed to lower interest rates on tuition. About Iraq besides stating that, "2006 must be a year of significant transition, " and " a new direction, " which they have been saying for the entire time we have been in Iraq nothing significant came out. Now that I have shown the basic outline of the, "New Direction For America, " my first response if, "yawn, " and my second response is, "so what else is new!" This is either the third or fourth, "new agenda, " since the first of the year. There have been so many this year and extending into the latter part of 2005 that one tends to lose count of the Democrats , "new plan for America." This particular plan is basically a rehash of the rehash of the rehash, etc., etc. and so forth! The base and party supporters continually cry for an agenda and the Democrat leaders when they find a cold reception in their polling data rewrite the usual Democrat talking points with some fresh wording and no new ideas. Then the leadership wonders why there is not a tremendous out pouring of support for their , "agenda." The reason is simple, there is no agenda. Even when they state certain platforms that are basically no different that any previously presented, they always fall back on the same political rhetoric. The President lied about Iraq, the war is a failure, Republicans have a, "culture of corruption, " and the economy stinks. Why then do they not get a rally of support for their ideas ? Because they basically have none and the people see this and the left has spent so much time and energy trying to destroy President Bush with an agenda of political attacks and the bitter hatred that stem back to 2000 that they are blind to the truth and the facts which leaves them with nothing else.
Don't get me wrong I have absolutely no problem with this form of political hacking that has been the Democrat agenda. As long as they continue on this path they will never find the support from the voters that is necessary to gain the House, the Senate or the Presidency. Where they do cross the line is that in their attacks they twist and falsify so much information and adding to this are the accusations that not only damage the country but hamper the prosecution of the war. The largest obstacle that this nation has had in successfully prosecuting the war on terror in Afghanistan and especially in Iraq is the Democratic attack machine that has hindered the war by falsely portraying much of what is and has happened. Additionally stating falsely that our troops are terrorists, (John Kerry), and murderers, (John Murtha), and other like falshoods as well as continually dwelling on only the negative and never even mentioning the positive and the tremendous accomplishments has hurt the support of the war at home and effected troop moral because of their fear that while winning the war they are losing it on the home front.
Domestically the constant moaning by the Democrats on the economy has also hindered a very robust economy because the constant complaining has given the impression that we are in economic turmoil. Recent polls actually state that while individuals believe that
they are doing well in the economy there is also concern that
their neighbors are not. Now how does this make sense ? Yet it is a fact and the reason is because the negative out look that is portrayed by the Democrats causes people to believe that though
they may be doing well because of the bleak out look by the left someone else
has to be doing bad. This despite the lowest unemployment figures in years and continual large job creation, almost non existent inflation, a housing boom, a strong stock market, a steadily rising GNP, family income also on the rise and this despite high energy costs that if not present would show figures nearly twice what they are. Yet to hear the Democrats all is gloom and doom.
There is a very good reason though for the Democrat out look of failure and doom. If that out look were not there then the Democratic Party would have nothing to hang their political hat on. When this country is prosperous and successful the left loses. Whe things are on the downfall then the left gains. The problem that they face now is that the only gain that they can make is the false portrayal of doom and failure. This is precisely why they cannot find a foot hold with the voters. Despite their political attacks and their continual negativism about the war and the economy, the majority of Americans know the truth and are not buying into the perceived downfall of America that is being touted by the left. They may reword their, "agenda." They may whine and cry about how bad things are. They may falsely portray the war as lost and unwinnable but facts are facts and truth is truth. The American people are not controlled by three networks and a Democrat political machine that for years told everyone how to think and believe. With the new media of talk radio, blogging and outlets such as Fox News and similar internet news sites the average voter is more astute to what is true and what is false and the truth is getting out and winning the voters. The left does not and most likely never will understand that their control over the mind of the voter through the mainstream media and the power that they once had no longer exists which is why their, "New Direction for America, " brings yet another , "yawn, " and , "Ho, Hum," from the voting public!
Ken Taylor