The American public has been systematically lied to almost from the beginning of the supposed, "transparent," regime of Barack Obama. Obama and his cronies in the Congress and surrogates who support his policy and tell his tale have been lying to the American people about taxes and that lie not only continues but is being compounded now that the Supreme Court has ruled that Obamacare is actually a tax, still being denied as such in public by Obama and Democrats.
The state of Obamacare has been the longest running tax lie perpetrated by Obama and clan during his administration. Throughout the build for Obamacare before hastened passage by the Pelosi run House of Representatives and rammed through the Senate by Harry Reid virtually blocking out any Republican debate and not allowing anyone to even view the health care debacle before it was voted on the idea that it was a tax was denied at every turn. Remember Pelosi's comment during a press conference, " we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it."
Hidden within the bill were plans and enforcement procedures that could only be deemed as the bill being a massive tax increase on the American public with the IRS being the enforcement agency for the law. Of course Obama and clan lied to the public denying it was any type of tax and kept that deception up even when going into the public debate before the Supreme Court.
In order to continue their tax lie about Obamacare during the public hearings before the court in which Obama's Solicitor General Donald Verrilli argued repeatedly that Obamacare WAS NOT a tax the truth was hidden to the point of Verrilli being laughed at during court proceedings as he continually contradicted himself when questioned about it being a tax. But when the brief was presented to the court for its consideration AFTER public hearings were completed not only did they admit it was a tax but used the tax argument as it main defense of the law in order to get it past the court.
The Obama administration knew from the beginning that Obamacare was a tax and that its claim it would meet Constitutional muster under the Commerce Clause would not stand so it lied to the public but told the truth to the Court in private briefings in order to bring about the eventual controversial ruling by the Court that Obamacare was unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause but could stand as a tax. Then immediately after the court ruling Obama was the first to hit the airways once again denying the law was a tax.
Now Obama's tax lie is pushing what is being called a, "fiscal cliff," facing Americans in January 2013 when the Bush era tax rates are set to expire. Yes, they are tax RATES, not tax cuts as being claimed again by Obama and his cronies. If allowed to expire the loss of the rates would INCREASE taxes by more than 30% for all Americans. A situation that would take a bad economy with virtually no growth and send it spiraling downward dramatically, thus a, "fiscal cliff."
Last week the Harry Reid Senate passed a bill to end the Bush era rates, rates that have been in affect since 2001, for all Americans who make over $250,000 a year. Which of course raises taxes for nearly EVERY small business in America since small business owners in order to take advantage of tax breaks do not separate their personal income from their business income. Reid then went before the cameras touting the, "fairness," of the bill and that it would, "cut taxes," to 98% of all Americans.
First the Senate cannot Constitutionally make a revenue bill since all revenue bills must start in the House so this debacle was a publicity stunt and will not pass the House. But it continues to perpetrate the Obama lie about taxes as Obama used it to campaign around the country that Republicans were obstructing his tax cut plan for Americans.
Now I ask you, how can a tax rate that has been in affect for 11 years being renewed be a tax cut? Extending the Bush era rates does not cut taxes but only continues rates that Americans have ALREADY been paying. But according to Obama and clan they are tax cuts for Middle Class America. Additionally the lie that those making $250,000 or more are the, "rich," who must be forced by Obama and clan to pay their, "fair share," is nothing more than class warfare at its worst. I guarantee the small business owner who works 18 hours a day to make ends meet and tries to make a small profit for his business would argue that he is NOT rich but according to Obama and clan he is.
This tax lie has been going on for nearly four years with Obama taking the lead in pushing the lie and now he has made it a center piece of his reelection bid. A bid that is based on tax increases for small business, a health care law that if allowed to be completely implemented would be the largest tax increase in world history and a continual class warfare designed to anger his liberal base and demonize the very individuals who create jobs and pay most of the taxes in America. This is Obama's idea of fair and his idea of a plan for his dream of a socialistic America.
Ken Taylor