Country singer Troy Cook Jr. shares this tune written by Don Bradley that is an Ode to Barack Obama and the Presidency of government dependency that he has perpetrated over the last nearly four years. Welfare roles have skyrocketed, unemployment remains above 8%, almost half of the country receives some sort of government check every month. The poverty rate has digressed to the days of LBJ.
Yet with all of this Obama continues to lie to the American people by stating that his policies have worked and The American Dream is only possible though his socialistic policies. He does not nor ever has understood The American Dream. That dream is to be free of government and prosper according to ones abilities and working to make a better life for ourselves and our families. Obama's, "American Dream," is a welfare state where all Americans are slaves to the federal government.
Do you hear that noise? The noise is George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, the signers of The Declaration of Independence, James Madison and the others who worked to create our Constitution and yes, Ronald Reagan all rolling over in their graves at Obama's, "Lazy American Dream.
Ken Taylor
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