Last week we recieved another grim reminder that terrorism still exists and that The United States is still its number one target. The thwarting of another major terror attack this time being the highjacking of ten US bound planes and destroying them in mid flight also reminded us that this enemy will use any and all means to kill Americans and bring down not only The United States but western civilization. It was also a stark reminder that we are at war ! Unfortunatly though many use the word war, do they fully accept or understand that we truly are at war with Islamic fascism an enemy who relentlessly searches for ways to kill ? It seems rather obvious that many on the left, much of the media and even some on the right do not realize what being at war fully entails and/or just use this war as a political football that gives numerous opportunities to attack a political opponent especially the President. Almost immediatly after the news about the failed attempt and the arrest of those who planned to carry it out, charges, accusations and sugar coating began to hit the media outlets by politicians, terrorism , "experts, " , members of foreign governments and both anti-war and pro-war spokes persons. Most opinions revealed that many still do not accept nor understand what this war truly entails or that we are even at war. Leaders of the Democratic Party immediatly began praising the British and Pakistani intelligence effort yet obviously neglected mentioning US intelligence whose interception of phone calls revealed to the Brits that the attack was imminent. They then proceeded to make political points by condeming the President for his handling of the war and whining that Osama bin Laden has still not been, "captured." I placed captured in quotes for a reason that I will explain later in this post. Most terrorism , "experts, " began trying to rationlize the thoughts and motives behind why Islamic fascists continually perform or attempt acts of terrorism. Many tried to explain it away as a law enforcement problem. Representatives of the UK and Pakistan that were interview continually sugar coated and danced around making reference to the terrorists as Muslim, Islamic fascists, or people who followed Islam. Even when directly reminded that while all Muslims are not terrorists all terrorists are Muslim. President Bush in his comments shortly after the news of the thwarted attack aired refered to terrorists as, "Islamic fascists, " and immediatly condemnation for his use of this very appropriate description began surfacing. Now I will try to explain my observations and why I believe many do not understand that we are at war.
What war means - To be at war though having numerous stategies and operations conducted in the performance of that war basically narrows to two goals. Defeating the enemy using all means available and destroying the enemies ability to wage war. One of the apsects that make this war on terror different from any war previously fought is that the enemy does not follow any of the , "rules, " of war and does not have a uniformed military that is easily identifiable. Another aspect of the war that differs is that this enemy specifically targets the civilian population as their main strategy. In past wars opposing armies met on battlefields and fought until one army was driven from the field or faced total defeat which brought about surrender. Terrorists neither face a military on a battlefield in the same manner as in the past nor is surrender an option since death is their goal, whether it is those they are killing or they themselves. This is why fighting this war is so difficult and long lasting and why so many means and forces are needed to wage this war. This war is not fought specifically by the military as past wars, using soldiers and military equipment and military intelligence to fight the war. This war involves all aspects of civilized government from the military to law enforcement to sophisticated means of intelligence gathering and yes even private citizens who inform through observation. Terrorists live among us and use every day means to communicate, plan and execute terror attacks. Hezbollah in fighting Israel is the only terrorist entity who somewhat uses conventional military means to fight, though they still encompass the use of civilian targets and hide in the civilian population. Not one aspect whether military, law enforcement or intelligence can defeat this enemy alone. It entails all means and that is why critics don't understand. Using just law enforcement has failed in the past. Using just military means will not flush out terrorists completely. Intelligence gathering does not take the fight to the enemy. Combining all has succeded in arrests, the killing of terrorist and their leadership and stopping attacks before they happen.
"Capturing, " Osama bin Laden - bin Laden is a dangerous man period. He has managed to take his Islamic fascist beliefs and spread them throughout the Muslim world more or less brain washing Muslims into beleiving as he does. Will capturing or killing bin Laden end the war or Islamic fasism. Absolutly not. Yes wanting him, "dead or alive, " is a goal but not a means of stopping Islamic fascism. Bin Laden does not control Iran or Syria. He does not control Hezbollah or Hamas. In many respects he does not even control Al Qaeda. Terrorist organizations unlike countries who wage war are structured to fight and exist by the individual or individual cell and not as much by an organized military style command structure and government over sight. Thus killing bin Laden would only accomplish a somewhat morel victory in the same manner as the death of al Zarqawi did. Additionally when has the main goal of any military action or war been the killing or capturing of the enemies leader ? Though there was a great desire to kill Hitler in WWll for example it was not a main strategic goal. Defeating Hitler's means of waging war was the main goal as is the war on terror. Killing or capturing bin Laden would be a momentary defeat to terrorism but then only to Al Qaeda and then only briefly as the individual cells would still remain active and those who are further down the line from bin Laden would continue Al Qaeda's war. It would not effect Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Syria or any other terrorist entity.
Calling a spade a spade - Being politically correct accomplishes nothing. As was stated earlier, though all Mulims are not terrorists, all terrorist are Muslims. To deny this fact only sugar coats terrorism and the root cause of Islamic fascism spreading throughout the Muslim world. It also allows those Muslims who do not follow this philosophy the ability to turn a blind eye to the bastardizing of their religion by an evil entity that reflects on all Muslims. It causes a tremendous prejudice toward the Muslim community since only a very few speak out against the fascist Muslim and even fewer condemn their acts or beliefs leading many to believe that the majority of Muslims support the fascist Isalmic belief which is not the case. Islam is the largest religion in the world and only a small precentage of Muslims are fascists and terrorists. They though are the most vocal and their acts and statements recieve 99% of the coverage while the average Muslim stays quiet and most who are not Muslim are so afraid of offending Muslims that the truth of Islamic fascism and its Muslim roots is denied.
The bottom line is that we are in an all out war against Muslim Islamic fascists who stop at nothing to kill and to attempt to force their beliefs and fascism on the entire world including Muslims. They desire death as a sacrifice for after world rewards in the name of Allah. This fanatical mind set does not follow rules will not face an army in the traditional sense or surrender their cause since they truly believe that they are conducting a righteous war against the infidel. Because of this we cannot be timid in our resolve nor in out tactics in fighting this enemy. We not only have the military might to defeat this enemy but the intelligence and law enforement ability to seek out this enemy and achieve the objective of any war. That being to destroy the enemies ability to wage war. Whether this means destroying their infrastructure meaning their ability to transport their fight and their weapons, killing or arresting their , "soldiers, " intercepting their plans through all available intelligence means or fighting them in the street in the area they have chosen to expand, the Middle East. Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, the Palistinian territories and Syria. This war has hundreds of fronts and fights a very real and dedicated enemy. We have the ability to win and we must use every military, technological and manpower means we have to win!
Ken Taylor