Last week a Colorado High School geography teacher made headlines with a ridiculous diatribe that compared the President to Adolph Hitler and The United Stated flag to the Nazi flag with the diatribe continuing to blame this nation for most of the problems in the world including defending and justifying Al Qaeda and the murderous attacks on 9/11. This all in the name of education. Thankfully a sixteen year old student recorded and exposed this leftist and the school suspended the teacher for his class room antics. Listening to this, "educator, "angered me greatly and reminded me of many of the liberal diatribes that have been spewed in recent months and as far back as 2000 and even before. I was reminded of Dick Durbins disgusting remarks on the Senate floor comparing our military to Nazi Germany. Ted Kennedy accusing the United States of being the same as Saddam Hussein's regime during the Abu Ghraib flack. Richard Dryfess just recently ranted comparing the President to Hitler and blaming the United States for the worlds problems. Time and again the Bush administration and this country are being compared by the left to Nazi Germany and other dictatorial regimes that have contributed to evil and oppression in the world and the disgusting part of all of this is that most actually believe what they are saying. They have no clue as to the truth of history nor the facts that they supposedly base their leftist rhetoric on just an angry diatribe intended to bring shock value and the accusation of evil against our nation, our President and the military that fights to defend their right to speak this disgusting rhetoric. Do any of these left wing socialists ever look into the history books to attempt to find truth behind what they are spewing ? Of course not for as elitist they already know everything regardless of whether it is truthful or not. When United States Senators who have the record readily available and who do know the truth behind their lies spew this same elitist garbage, it is then that it not only becomes dangerous but passes the point of sanity and gives reason to actually question their patriotism. Adlai Stevenson once said "Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." A truer statement of patriotism has never been said. Emotional outburst are the course of life with the left and their anger has created an agenda that insults the core of who we are as a nation, as a people and as a leader in the world.
For those who agree with this diatribe and comparison to Hitler and Nazi Germany answer these simple questions from history and find the truth behind your anger. Has the United States advocated the systematic elimination through slave labor and state sponsored genocide of six million people as is evidenced by the Nazi controlled Holocaust ? Has the United States brutally conquered and oppressed most of an entire continent fully occupying each conquered nation and eliminating any form of democratic government and forcing allegiance to the dictator of the oppressors ? Has the President of the United States, George W. Bush, systematically through various members of his administration eliminated freedom and demanded that regardless of our personal ideology, religious beliefs, or conscience demanded that we swear allegiance and take an oath to his party as Hitler did with National Socialism, (Nazi Party) ? Does every official in government whether at the local, state or federal level have to swear allegiance to the President's party in order to remain in office ? If you disagree with the President and his policy are you arrested, taken to prison and slated for execution as those who spoke out against Hitler were ? Has the President sent United States Marshals into our libraries and institutions of learning to destroy all books that speak of freedom, individual rights or any ideologies that disagree with that of the President ? Do we fear every day that the President's personal police squad will burst into our home and arrest any member of our family never to be seen again as those under German occupation did with the Gestapo ?
None of the above questions can be answered
TRUTHFULLY in the positive for none of these situations exist or even come close to existence in the United States, the Bush administration or those countries that we are fighting in. Yet to listen to the left it is an absolute fact of life and something we need to fear every day. Additionally if there was even a trace of truth to this diatribe those who make this ridiculous charge would be
EXECUTED for saying it! This hate mongoring by the left is a true statement as to who is in control of the Democrat Party as many of their stalwart leaders and the chairman of the Party Howard Dean spew this angry rhetoric on a daily basis. If not using Hitler using similar dictatorial references and false charges not just against the President but this nation. There are many in the Democrat Party and even on the left who do not agree with this disgusting, anger driven emotion filled rhetoric. Yet when they speak in calm and with sense they too are demonized and charged in like manor. Take Joseph Lieberman for example. Does this anger driven rhetoric play well with the people ? Absolutely
NOT ! Will it show in a backlash at the voting booth ? I believe so. Those on the left truly believe that this form of attack and anger will restore their power dominance in Washington. After all the , "polls, '" do not look good. Polls can and are slanted not only in the number of participants but in the way the question is asked. The only, "poll, " that truly counts is the one at the ballot box. Anger and false accusations with rhetoric that compares this nation to Hitler or others will never change the voting public. Only ideas and policy will, because thankfully elections are still won on idea and content driven agendas and not those based on anger and emotion.
Ken Taylor