Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN
Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!
In the preceding post I asked, "where have all the trolls gone ?" Referring to the liberal moonbat trolls that infest most conservative blogs with unintelligent discourse and diatribes that never match the subject of the post or the thread. Well the GOP has a troll of its own who has been a thorn in the flesh and unfortunately he also hails from my state of South Carolina.
Lindsey Graham once again abandoned principle and became the ONLY Republican to vote for Sonia Sotomayor in Committee and most likely the only Republican to vote for her when her confirmation reaches the Senate floor. His statement that she is in the main stream is absolute absurdity and once again the GOP traitor troll has taken another fifteen minutes in the spotlight to the embarrassment of his state and the people he supposedly represents.
Ken Taylor
A rich and famous Hollywood actor who collects exorbitant paychecks per film could get millions of dollars in federal stimulus funds for a charity he created to “help lessen the burdens of government” by rebuilding homes in low-income neighborhoods. "Lesson the burden of government"! When will someone "lesson the burden" of the American taxpayer? I suppose the answer to that has something to do with flying pigs.)
Multi-millionaire Brad Pitt, who makes about $20 million a movie, has applied and will likely get, a substantial chunk of taxpayer money to expand his new nonprofit (Make It Right), which supposedly builds affordable “green” homes that are energy efficient for those who normally could not afford them. ($20 million a movie! So... wouldn't a real hero do this on his own dime? Or at least find some other way of funding his oh-so-charitable project without breaking the backs of taxpayers? Silly me!)Although Pitt claims on the group’s income tax exempt form that its purpose is to help lessen the burdens of government by assisting in the rebuilding of communities, he still wants taxpayers to help fund the projects. The world-renowned movie star fully expects to get a piece of $65 million in stimulus funds administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the “neighborhood stabilization” of poverty-stricken areas.
Judicial Watch goes on to say that if it's up to Nancy Pelosi, Pitt will probably get the stimulus money. They say she "trembled like a schoolgirl" when he visited the Capitol to promote his charity, and they leave a link to Deadline USA, but You Tube has it too, of course. We didn't notice her "trembling like a schoolgirl" but we did hear her call Pitt a "Hero". Sorry, Nancy. We know what a real hero is and what a real hero does. Brad Pitt can only pretend to be a hero in films. In real life he doesn't even come close to cutting the mustard!
Barack Obama's health care debacle is running into opposition from all corners of the country. Even in states that voted for him in 2008. In St. Louis, MO, a state that went blue for Obama in 2008 Congressman Russ Carnahan (D) was laughed off the stage by constituents as he relayed Obama talking points about the embattled health care bill.
In Maryland, another Obama blue state in 2008, Senator Ben Cardin (D) who like his colleague in St. Louis was relaying Obama health care talking points to his constituents was faced with an angry 27 old man who had recently lost his job and found another paying less money, stated that he chose not to pay for health care in order to use the money for his family in other ways and then demanded that Cardin answer why he would be FINED $2500.00 though Obamacare because he chooses NOT to purchase health care coverage.
Cardin's arrogant answer was to blame this angry American for causing health care costs to be taken care of by others if he were to go to an emergency room. Never once even suggesting that if he went to an emergency room that a payment schedule could be worked out rather than being payed for by others. A typical liberal lie that is used to claim a lack of available health care in America.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer admits that the health care bill is in deep trouble not from GOP opposition but from blue dog Democrats who dislike the tax increases and the provisions that will cause business to drop private health care forcing employees to buy into government health care.
What Obama and his liberal universal health care backers are refusing to acknowledge in this ,"debate," is that we in The United States have the best and most advanced health care in the world. The quality of care is not the problem nor the availability of care, but the cost. If American health care is as bad as Obama constantly claims in his scare tactic approach then why are people from all over the world whose countries have socialized Obama style health care, leaving their homes and traveling to The United States to get expert care for their medical problems ? Care they CANNOT get in their countries BECAUSE of socialized Obama style health care.
The Congressional Budget Office also disputes Obama's claim that his program is budget neutral but rather that it will cost TRILLIONS of dollars to implement because of the massive bureaucracy that will be created to manage the program. Also the CBO concludes that Obama's claim that his program will save money because of the decreasing of health care costs is again a falsehood as it will actually cause costs to rise through the program.
Yes the cost of procedures and medical care is high and needs to be reformed. A huge move toward that would be the implementation of Tort Reform to reduce litigation for medical procedures. This one problem alone forces doctors to preform excess testing in order to prevent law suites.
While reducing cost is the main problem, turning health care over to the government as Obama is pushing is NOT the answer and the people agree as polls are showing that 50% of Americans are against government health care while only 44% favor it. The health care debacle, spending and the failing Cap and Trade legislation is beginning to whittle away at Obama's popularity.
According to Gallup whose polling leans to the left, since Presidential approval ratings began with Harry Truman, Obama ranks 10th out of the twelve President since Truman at this point in their administration. Only Gerald Ford who was suffering from the fall out of Watergate and Bill Clinton who was suffering from fall out of Hillary care polled lower than Obama at this juncture of their administration.
So Obama's agenda including health care is falling as fast as his popularity. Yet in his arrogance he still believes that everyone should bow to his demands. What he is forgetting is that as his coat tails are drying up those in Congress even in his own party are not willing to stick out their political necks for Obama.
In his haste to force his agenda Obama is committing political suicide and his numbers are showing the result of his haste. The rebellion against Obama's agenda is growing and Obama cannot handle the response which is showing by his impatience. The people are angry about spending. Angry about deficits. Angry that health care is being forced through for political expedience rather than finding real solutions. Angry that Obama is trying to steal freedom and in this country freedom will prevail.
Ken Taylor
"As Health Insurance Debate Looms, Budget Director Refuses to Rule Out Federally Funded Abortions"
"No matter what your views are on abortion, you shouldn't ask people to use their tax dollars if they think that abortion is taking a life -- to use their tax dollars for those purpose -- for that purpose," Gregg said on FOX News Sunday.
"I would hate to see the health care debate go down over that issue," Gregg added. "We do really need health care reform, and it has to be substantive ... So hopefully we won't get ourselves wrapped around the wheel of abortion in this debate."That's the last two paragraphs of the article at the link.
We vehemently disagree, although we do agree that we shouldn't be asked to use our tax dollars to fund abortions, but we hope that issue stops this idiotic government run health care plan from going through and kills it dead in it's tracks! We don't want one cent of our tax dollars going to pay for abortions. If liberal Democrats want to help people murder their children let them do it on their own dime, not ours! But even if abortion wasn't covered in this bill, we don't want any part of a government run health care plan, period.
Here's just one of the reasons why we don't want the government running our health care, and we believe that RINO Spector should be very, very careful. He's not exactly a youngster. Oh... almost forgot. He's a Senator. He's a big shot politician so he's in no danger. Money will be spent like crazy to keep his sorry butt alive and he knows it. He's also not going to be on the same plan he wants all of us on. Did you know that? Nope... the Senate and the House are not going to include themselves in the plan they wish to push off on us. As soon as they are sworn in they are able to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), at our expense, of course. All these politicians working to control our health through the government should be kicked to the curb!
July 16, 1969. Neil Armstrong, Edwin, "Buzz," Aldrin and Michael Collins began their historic journey to make the first landing on the moon. No single task in American history has succeeded in the tremendous accomplishment that was displayed when Neil Armstrong first stepped onto the Lunar surface on July 20, 1969.
This Sunday, The Sunday Commentary will be dedicated to this historic event, the events which led up to our first moon landing and the men who made this happen. American heroes all and an America accomplishment truly singular in all the world. Forty year ago three men made history and we will live it again here at The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth.
Ken Taylor
Sotomayor says, wise Latina women are more compassionate then white men. She rules that firefighters in New Haven cannot be promoted because only white guys passed the promotion test and we who are against her confirmation to SCOTUS are called racist !
Ken Taylor
I had thought about posting something about the radical ramblings of Sonya Sotomayor and whether she should be confirmed since in her opinion Justice is not blind especially not color blind. But frankly I am already tired of hearing the left praise her as a hero of all mankind and everyone who is against her is considered as racist. So I will admit here and now that if opposing Sotomayor is the definition of a racist, then I am a racist because I do not believe that judges should make decisions based on passion or ideology or even compassion or empathy.
A judges decision should be based only on the strictest view of the law as established in the original intent of our Constitution, which is obviously something that Sotomayor will not do because her entire judicial career is one of denial of the truth of law in the Constitution. She will sit with Ginsburg as a liberal interpreter whose decisions find no basis in the Constitution. And since the Senate consists of many like minded liberal Democrat Senators her confirmation is all but a shoe in.
So to relieve some of the dull drum of the hearings and the drooling of the left over Sotomayor, I hope you enjoy this little diddy from Jib Jab!
Ken Taylor
Now let's watch the left and the east and west coast elitists go completely bezerk. Not that they haven't already. Among numerous other slurs they've called her a quitter and they aren't going to be pleased (what an understatement!) when she comes out more vocal and stronger than ever now that she's not tied down to Alaska. Heh! The venom is going to fly! If the left was spewing vitriol before, it was nothing to what they're going to be saying now - which will only make Sarah more popular than ever. Sarah is truly a pit bull with lipstick. There's no doubt about it!"I will go around the country on behalf of candidates who believe in the right things, regardless of their party label or affiliation," she said over lunch in her downtown office, 40 miles from her now-famous hometown of Wasilla - population 7,000 - where she began her political career.
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