Ken and Oliver
Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN
Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!
Whatever your plans, wherever you are on this Christmas of 2008, take time to remember the Reason for this wonderful season.
From Ken and Oliver, we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and God's richest blessing for each of you.
After numerous denials by Barack Obama and members of his staff that there was NO contact between the Obama camp and Blago, the truth comes out that several conversations did take place concerning Obama's vacant Senate seat and the Illinois Governor.
Not necessarily by Obama himself but by his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. I have mentioned in earlier postings that conversations between a President Elect or his office are common when a Governor must fill a vacated Senate or House seat because of an election.
In fact I am sure that Obama and/or his staff have been in contact with New York concerning Hillary's soon to be vacant seat, which is why Caroline Kennedy has become the top candidate.
It is not uncommon for a seat to be filled as a political favor and to allow for the seat to be filled with a candidate who has similar political views as any President Elect.
So Obama's contention that neither he nor his staff had any contact with Blago was false from the very beginning now the revelation that conversations between Emanuel and Blago are part of the taped conversations in FBI custody as part of the investigation.
There has been no charge of wrong doing for either Obama or Emanuel concerning the conversations. But that fact that Obama and his staffers have repeatedly denied having contact with Blago concerning the Senate seat does raise questions and also questions Obama's contention that his administration was going to be transparent.
All Obama or anyone on his staff had to say was the truth, that they had talked with Blago about the seat , as everyone already knew was fact. Then nothing would be questioned and the fact that Emanuel is on the tapes would have been an after thought rather than a headline.
Transperancy is NOT telling the press one thing while a completely different action has taken place. Again no one in Obama's staff if under investigation but if that is the case then why did the President Elect and his staff feel it necessary to lie about conversations and contact with Blago ?
The fact that they denied what is now known as a flat out false statement leaves the air of guilt where there most likely is no guilt. If this is Obama's idea of transperancy then the next four years are going to be one lie right after another! If this is an example of how Obama handles a crisis then we are in BIG trouble!
Ken Taylor
As everyone knows by now Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is caught up in an investigation for selling government appointments, including Barack Obama's Senate seat, to the highest bidder.
Now the truth comes out that Blago was not corrupt but the victim of a curse on the Illinois Governors office. Three Governors including Blago's predecessor have faced criminal indictments as Governor since the seventies.
Remeber when corruption is found with Republicans, it is the result of those EVIL Rebublicans and the GOP is run through the media mill over it. But when it is a Democrat they are either victims or somehow the media just cannot remember that they are Democrats and always neglects to mention party affiliation.
Ken Taylor
"Saddened and sobered," and , "I had no contact." This was the rather weak reaction during a press conference from Barack Obama to the arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's arrest for corruption in an on going investigation which culminated in the revelation that Blago was selling Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder.
While the Federal Prosecuter Patrick Fitzgerald has not stated that Obama or anyone in his office was involved in the scandal,(he also has not stated that no one was NOT involed either), the fact that it took place in Illinois and with Obama's Senate seat is going to dog him until the case is over.
"Saddened and sobered," the initial reaction from Obama. Could this be a sobering revelation because of what he knew about the Illinois Governor throughout the three years that Balgo was under investigation for his pay for play scheme with government appointments ?
In taped conversation Blago stated that he didn't believe that Obama would be much help because rather than offer him anything all that Obama would do was thank him for his work.
But Obama's statement about,"having no contact," with Blago cannot be entirely true. The seat that Obama resigned from is a Senate seat from the State of Illinois and there would have been some form of contact after the election if for nothing else but to inform the Governor that the seat would be vacant and it was now up to him to fill it.
I am also sure as in other situations where a office holder was elected and the seat they were holding whether on a State or Federal level was vacated, the resigning office holder as President Elect would offer suggestions for their replacement.
This situation with Blago is politics as usual throughout the long history of Chicago politics and whether Obama was directly involved or not the fact that he was a part of the Chicago system does pose questions about his governing style and once again about his associations.
One cannot be involved in such a corrupt government as that in Illinois without knowing some of the corruption that is taking place. Though Obama has tried to distance himself from Chicago corruption he was not only a part of that corrupt system but many who are now taking posts in his administration have come from that same corruption plagued political climate.
The arrest of Governor Blagojevich adds fuel to the never ending fire concerning the mystery about Barack Obama and in those in whom he has been associated with throughout his politcal career.
Ken Taylor
Once again Christmas is upon us and the light shows are hitting the web. I am a fan of Trans - Siberian Orchestra and the above video has a little different twist as Trans - Siberian took a Mozart tune and brought a little Christmas spirit to it.
Then it was created into this fantastic light show. I learned today of one that has been created right here at home with Trans - Siberian music and an FM transmiter so that one can listen to the music through a car radio while viewing the light show.
Needless to say we will be taking in the lights some time this weekend! Enjoy this one and Merry Christmas to each and every one.
Ken Taylor
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