The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Fox News commentator Bill O'Rielly has been airing a thirty minute interview with Barack Obama in several segments on his show since last Thursday.

In the above segment O'Reilly tags Obama about his assosications with Wright, Ayers and the left wing entities known as Move On.Org. and The Daily Kos.

Intertwined in the video as Obama stumbles his way through the interview without his speaking crutch, the telepromter, are several news reports and clips relealing the real truth about Obama's associations as the candidate tries to deny them on O'Reilly's show.

The video is a little over nine minutes long but has some very revealing information and shows a very hesitant response by Obama when asked tough and legitimate questions.

Ken Taylor


Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Oh that was great Ken :-)

4:40 PM, September 10, 2008  

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