The time for setting aside political differences has come when it concerns a devastating diagnoses for Senator Ted Kennedy. The remaining brother of the iconic Kennedy family has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, or cancer of the brain.
While I have never agreed with Senator Kennedy's politics and have at many times been angered by his stand on various issues that have faced this country, it is time to set aside those differences to remember the Kennedy family and the Senator in our prayers.
This iconic political family has faced tremendous tragedy as we all know with the assassinations of both President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy. The tragic death of JFK junior and many other tragedies that would have destroyed many families, but the Kennedy family has faced tragedy with dignity and grace. Now as they face yet another with the brain cancer of Senator Ted Kennedy our thoughts and prayers are raised for the Senator and the Kennedy family.
Ken Taylor
While I have never agreed with Senator Kennedy's politics and have at many times been angered by his stand on various issues that have faced this country, it is time to set aside those differences to remember the Kennedy family and the Senator in our prayers.
This iconic political family has faced tremendous tragedy as we all know with the assassinations of both President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy. The tragic death of JFK junior and many other tragedies that would have destroyed many families, but the Kennedy family has faced tragedy with dignity and grace. Now as they face yet another with the brain cancer of Senator Ted Kennedy our thoughts and prayers are raised for the Senator and the Kennedy family.
Ken Taylor
There aren't many of us who would agree with the politics or behavior of Ted Kennedy. But there are also not many of us who would want to see his family endure yet another tragedy.
I wish him well.
Prayers for Senator Kennedy and his family.
I feel bad for his family. I also feel bad that he will probably leave the Senate because of a malignant tumor.
I wished the people of Mass would have elected him out....
Excellent blog!
I will link yours if you don't mind. Thanks!
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