The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August third if we don't resolve this issue." With those words as seen in the above video Barack Obama blatantly lied to the American public in an effort to try and get his way in the debt ceiling debate by scaring voters.

Claiming that if the debt ceiling issue is not resolved before August third that Social Security, VA and disability checks will not go out to those who are expecting them and yes depending on them is scaremongering at its worst and a lie that stoops to a new low for a politician who has used scare tactics and deception as an intricate tool throughout his Presidency.

First of all, even if an agreement is not reached before August third the government WILL NOT default on its debt. If nothing else the interest will be paid preventing any default. Second SS, VA and disability payments are part of long planned budgetary spending and will be paid on time just like any other part of government spending like Defense etc.

When Obama uttered these words answering the question of the CBS reporter he knew he was lying when he spoke and also knew he would scare thousands of Americans in the process. This was NOT Presidential nor was it called for in any way. He used the power and prestige of the Presidency to lie to the public in order to try and get his way by using the lie to pressure Republicans into caving over his demands that taxes are raised as well as the debt ceiling by August third.

There will be no great economic catastrophe if the debt ceiling is not raised. We will not default if the debt ceiling is not raised and checks WILL GO OUT if the debt ceiling is not raised. Barack Obama is a liar and has no qualms about scaring seniors, Vets and the disabled in order to get what he wants. This blatant fear mongering DOES NOT belong in The White House.

Ken Taylor


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