The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


First giving credit where credit is due to that brave Navy Seals who brilliantly fulfilled the dangerous mission of killing Osama Bin Laden. Their excellence in an extreme situation if just one more example of our tremendous military and the personnel who defend our country each and everyday. Thank you to the brave Navy Seals for ending this scourge and for all of our troops who made this victory possible serving their country around the world.

Now on to the purpose of this post. In his announcement Sunday night of the killing of bin Laden Barack Obama bent over backwards to portray to the American public and the world that the killing of OBL was a result of his order to CIA director Leon Panetta to make the hunt for bin Laden a top priority.

First we all know that the hunt for this scourge of the Earth has been a top priority since September 12, 2001 when it was discovered that Al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks on The World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the high jacking of the planes used for the attacks along with Flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania. Bin Laden has been the number one fugitive since and continued to be until Sunday when he was capped twice by Navy Seals. So Obama's assertion that he and he alone made bin Laden a priority is ridiculous.

Now to the intelligence that made the killing possible. Representative Peter King of New York who is the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee has stated that the intelligence trail that led to the raid on bin Laden's compound began FOUR years ago and NOT after Obama became President. In fact the information leading to the courier who eventually laid bin Laden in our hands was discovered by the water boarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad who is the self confessed planner of 9/11.

His interrogation four years ago provided the courier who intelligence then traced and followed to the compound and the discovery of bin Laden which made the plan, the mission and the death of him possible. The only real credit Barack Obama deserves is having the intelligence to continue Bush policy and then having the sense to take out bin Laden when the intelligence proved to have found his whereabouts.

Obama does deserve credit for approving the plan and the actual raid which took out bin Laden. It was a risky operation which could have gone wrong and it required a gutsy decision to make it happen. Also the decision NOT to use a missile or bomb to take out the compound was good in the fact that it would provide proof that bin Laden was there and was killed.

But the assertion by Obama that this whole operation and the intelligence was made possible by his order to Panetta is absurd and arrogant. Bin Laden has been a priority target for ten years and has managed to allude capture and death using help from supporters and frankly after finding the rather comfortable million dollar compound in Pakistan it is obvious he had assistance and protection from people and the government of Pakistan who claim they knew nothing. Yet had a military school and three regiments of soldiers stationed in the area.

The death of bin Laden is a great moral victory for our Nation and is a comfort for those who lost loved ones and friends on 9/11 in knowing that this evil is dead and it was due to the bravery and excellence of The Navy Seals and the worlds greatest intelligence experts who followed a trail provided by interrogation four years ago. God bless the Seals who raided the compound and killed OBL. God bless our solders who serve and defend our country around the world and God bless America.

Ken Taylor

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