The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Friday, December 17, 2010


A sign of great possibilities revealed itself in the Halls of Congress as the people of The United States of America won a victory in the fight to curb reckless spending, stop out of control deficits and debt and begin restoring Constitutional sanity in our government. The massive 1.3 trillion dollar Omnibus bill filled with almost 6,500 earmarks has died as Harry Reid was forced to bow to pressure from the anger of the people and a strong and steadfast Republican opposition to the nightmare legislation.

Senator Mitch McConnel, House Minority Leader in stark contrast to the 1924 page pork filled, spending packed and regulatory adding Omnibus, introduce a ONE PAGE Continuing Resolution to the Senate which achieved what Reid claimed was his sole purpose, to fund the government. But the McConnel Resolution just extends current 2010 government spending for 45 days to allow the next Congress to take up the budget matter and actually put forth a budget that cuts spending, reduces the deficit and begins tackling our national debt.

Reid's ridiculous Omnibus increased spending across the board as well as the deficit and debt, was crammed with earmarks and more unnecessary regulation. In addition this bill had hidden in it the first 1 BILLION dollar installment of funding for Obamacare which would have made Republican plans to defund the unconstitutional law extremely difficult if not impossible.

The public out cry combined with continual negative media coverage about the cost of the Omnibus and the opposition by the people and a steadfast Republican caucus in the Senate gave other Senators pause which provided the necessary numbers to prevent the bill from passing. As a result Reid was forced to pull the bill and end his arrogant defense of it which included at one point stating that earmarks are, "what they are supposed to do," as legislators.

This victory for the people and the country which would have forced not only funding of Obamacare but the left wing agenda which was rejected soundly by the people on November second upon the country for the 2011 fiscal year is a good sign of things to come as the new Congress convenes in January. Republicans of course will have control of the House where all financial measures must Constitutionally originate and the Senate will have a much stronger GOP presence which will have an even better stance in preventing Reid from forcing legislation as he tried with the Omnibus!

Ken Taylor


Blogger joetote said...


Have you noticed the Lame Stream Media take? "GOP Obstructionists" kill the omnibus bill! Even now, the media is unwilling to point out that the Democrats who had an unbeatable majority could not pass their own agenda, due largely in fact to the stench and their own survival instincts. The lies just keep coming. while this is a great thing, we must remain vigilant as to ALL OF OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS! You only have to look at the turncoat Republicans who sided with the Dems on the tax bill to realize we are not even remotely out of the woods.

10:32 AM, December 17, 2010  

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