YoU CaN't MaKe tHiS StUff Up - HICKMAN, Neb. — This one-horse town is looking like becoming a no-horse town. The owner of a 32-year-old horse named Peter Rabbit wasn't able Tuesday to buck a local ban on livestock within city limits. After widespread publicity of the ban that threatened to kick Peter Rabbit off the pasture where he was born, the Hickman City Council considered an ordinance Tuesday night that would allow horses inside city limits. But council members ultimately voted 4-2 against adopting it, leaving the ban intact. Councilwoman Kim Hoesing has long supported allowing horses. After Tuesday's vote, she said she hoped the issue would die down because "I can't get anyone to agree with me."
For a bedroom community where people live to get away from the hustle and bustle of nearby Lincoln, Hickman and its population of 1,085 have had a lot of racket lately. After publicity of Peter Rabbit's fight with City Hall, people around the country did some of the lobbying the horse couldn't. The horse's owner, 76-year-old Harley Scott, said he has raised Peter Rabbit since the brown Morgan-quarter horse crossbreed was born in his pasture in the spring of 1976. Scott said there have been horses on the land since his father bought 40 acres in 1935.
Government at work. Hasn't bothered anyone for 32 years but now having the horse around is a problem. Sheesh! - YoU CaN't MaKe tHiS StUff Up
Drill, Drill, Drill, Drill, that is the cry from the American people. Alternatives are great for 30 years from now but we do have an oil based economy and prices go down when the drilling is passed. So who is out of touch with the voters, the GOP that agrees with them or the Dems who ignore them !
YoU CaN't MaKe tHiS StUff Up - De QUEEN, Ark. — Firefighters were right on top of this blaze. The De Queen fire station is closed on weekends, so when a call is received the firefighters go to the station to get their gear before heading out. But when they gathered at the station Saturday to answer a call about a burning utility pole, they discovered they had another problem on their hands.
"One of the firemen called me and said the place was full of smoke. I thought he was joshing me. He said 'We've got a fire at the fire station,'" De Queen Fire Marshal Dennis Pruitt said. Firefighters called a dispatcher to get the Southwestern Electric Power Co. to disconnect the station's electrical service. "We told them the fire department has a fire. SWEPCO said 'Yeah, the fire department has a fire.' The dispatcher told them, 'No it's the fire station on fire!'" Pruitt said. Authorities say the blaze was started by lightning.
Well at least they didn't have to drive far to put out the flames! - YoU CaN't MaKe tHiS StUff Up
So are the Dems unified ? Not hardly! Bubba and Hillary put on a good show but when the lights went off and the Clintons went to their separate homes, nothing has changed. The Clinton's are out in the cold and Hillary supporters are still ticked an that is a fact!
YoU CaN't MaKe tHiS StUff Up - SAN DIEGO — It was the little engine that couldn't — because it was thirsty for fuel. A quick train trip down the coast turned into a long haul for more than 80 Amtrak passengers when their train from Los Angeles to San Diego ran out of fuel Sunday night. Amtrak spokesman Cliff Cole said the train sat for about two hours on the northern edge of San Diego before another engine came along to push it the last several miles to the San Diego train station.
The train, which had left Los Angeles at 8:30 p.m., didn't get there until 1:15 a.m. today, two hours late. A train running out of fuel is "an unusual occurrence" and Amtrak officials will be looking into how it happened, Cole said.
Maybe the next time a passenger rides Amtrak they should take an extra five gallon gas can with their luggage! - YoU CaN't MaKe tHiS StUff Up
The candidate of change teams with the candidate whose last change was in 1973 when he first took office. The ultimate Washington insider and the ultimate Washington novice!
Ken Taylor
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