The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Today in many places around the world including the United States, Iraqi citizens who are living outside of Iraq cast their votes in the parliamentary elections that are scheduled for this Thursday. The expected increase in terror and insurgent attacks that has been expected and prepared for by our military and the Iraqi Defense Force has not as yet appeared to be wide spread and the feeling in country is that the terrorists and insurgents will keep a low profile during the vote and possibly increase attacks after election day. Because of the feeling of security that is in Iraq concerning this vote, Sunni's, who boycotted the last election are registering in large numbers and are expected to have a comparably large turn out. The Iraqi Prime Minister has stated that Iraq is close to governing and protecting herself without US assistance. As such in an interview with Colonel Oliver North that aired today on the Sean Hannity radio program, Colonel North stated that in a conversation that he had with General Casey, the commanding officer for all coalition forces in Iraq, possibly 30, 000 US troops could be returning home as early as January. A successful election establishing a democrasized government elected by the people of Iraq and the beginning of the reduction of US forces signaling a victorious out come in the Iraq theatre in the War on Terror, will drive the Democrats crazy. A successful election and troop reduction CANNOT be denied, hidden or lied about by the media wing of the Democratic Party nor the usual suspects in the House and Senate, (Pelosi, Kennedy, Murtha, Reed and any other liberal). Additionally both events prove the President's Iraq policy correct and the left wrong in their deceptive campaign to undermine the war, the President and our troops. Oh I'm sure that the left and the mainstream media will try to spin it as failure but even a two year old will be able to see through the liberal lie and realize that the war effort has been a success and a free and liberated Iraq with the only Arab democracy in the region is the result. The truth in Iraq despite the left's attempt to politically destroy the war effort is beginning to filter out in other ways besides bloggers and the other aspects of the new media. When the election is over and the successful transition to a freely elected democracy makes world headlines, the left once again will be revealed for the deceivers that they are and then will spin another false hood to base their 2006 power bid on. Thank God that we the people no longer fall for the lies that the left spins to deceive their way into public office.

Ken Taylor


Blogger Poison Pero said...

Iraqi's voting?? Come on? You must be living in a dream world man.

And if it is happening, it must be Bush's fault:)

9:24 PM, December 13, 2005  

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