Freedom, Liberty and Thanksgiving
As I write this post this evening there are many subjects on which I can garner plenty of fodder to express my thoughts about the current political climate. The Congress is debating the implementation of the 9/11 Commission findings. There is plenty of controversy about the nomination of Dr. Rice as Secretary of State and the absurd and ridiculous slander and attacks against her. The President is moving his agenda foward with a sizable post election bounce in the polls. John Kerry and the Democrats are STILL claiming that the election was stolen and preparing to recount the votes in Ohio, which as we know will change nothing! Yet with all the, "politics as usual" just different names and situations, I thought it best to take a moment and reflect on Thanksgiving. Now of course since this is a political site the direction this takes will be more political and historical with a touch of the personal. Each of us over the next few days will reflect in one way or another on that for which we are thankful. It may be for our God, our family, possesions, health etc. Things for which each of us have an exhaustive list in which to be thankful for. Yet far too often we neglect to express or even think about being thankful because we are Americans. So many have fought for and given the supreme sacrifice to insure that this wonderful bastion of liberty that we call home may continue to shine freedom both here and abroad. Even as these words are being written men and women are in battlefields and situations securing, protecting and spreading this freedom that we take for granted. That in itself is one of the things so precious about our freedom, that we have it in such abundance that we CAN take it for granted. So first let us express our thanksgiving for those heros around the world who wear the uniforms of freedom, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard! Next let us think back to those 55 brave and brilliant souls who affixed their name to the first document of our freedom and remember it's message, "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.....with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happines." Egual in the sight of God and man to pursue the desires of our heart in a land where the desire to succeed even inspite of failure is not hampered by the constraints of a dictator, a monarch or a despot. A land where everyone is given the same opportunity to become whatever they wish and the freedom to worship, work and play as each citizen sees fit. Yes, I am a flag waving American and proud of my country, our heritage and that for which she stands and that wherever, "Old Glory" flies freedom and liberty bask with the beauty of our flag waving in the breeze. Yet you don't have to be a flag waver to experience the warmth of America's freedom. Everyone who seeks a better place and yearns to be free looks to America as their hope. Countries have and do try to pattern themselves after us yet have failed because they wish to hinder and harness the God given yearning for personal and spiritual freedom. We are the land that all others look to for guidance and leadership, even when they disagree with us. We are the worlds security, its protector and the one great hope for a brighter tomorrow. We are The United States of America. As you gather with family and friends this festive and most blessed season remember that freedom's torch lights the way to the dream of an always brighter day and that same torch will always proclaim the blessings of liberty from this our home. God bless you and yours this holiday season and thank God for and may He continually bless this land that we love!
Ken Taylor
Ken Taylor
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