The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Monday, October 15, 2012


Before the first debate which had Mitt Romney demolishing Barack Obama, pre debate comments by both campaigns but specifically the Obama campaign spent a great deal of interview time playing down the debate performance.  In fact Obama stated during a campaign rally that Romney was a good debater and he was only so so.  Yet, even with the down play Obama's performance was so poor that those who strongly support him were shocked.

Polls since the debate have made a dramatic shift with the result being not just a Romney post debate bounce but a trend turning toward Romney.  This trend come not just from Romney's strong debate performance but polling that is finally showing a better balance in samples that are only 2-4 points Democrat heavy rather than 8-10 which was the case prior to the Presidential debate.  It seems that pollsters are understanding that the shift toward Romney has been so obvious they can no longer hide it with skewed polling.

Another debate takes place on Tuesday. The Obama campaign and surrogates are already building Obama up saying he is going to be more aggressive, better focused and energetic compared to lethargic, vague, and distracted in the first debate.  This shift in pre debate build up signals only one thing. If Obama walks on the stage without literally falling flat on his face the leftist media has already decided the out come of the debate and nothing Obama says or Romney does will change their pre determined decision on who wins Tuesday.

The debate format already gives an advantage to Obama because the Town Hall format is one of his most used campaign styles and he has been using it constantly throughout his time in office during his never ending campaign. This is not to say Romney will do poorly, on the contrary I believe Romney will do another excellent job on Tuesday but the build up for this debate is already showing a trend to give it to Obama because of his failure in the first.

Combined with an very liberal moderator, CNN's Candy Crowley who has already indicated that she does not feel bound to have the limited role that was agreed upon by BOTH campaigns. The format calls for questions from a pre- selected audience of supposed undecided voters chosen by Gallup. As moderator Crowley is not supposed to have ANY follow up questions or change the direction of the question in any way. She has stated on at least three occasions that she will not follow this and use the opportunity to direct questioning as she see fit. Which means because of her obvious left leaning she will favor Obama over Romney.

Now Romney is an excellent debater and handles himself well in a public forum, so while Crowley won't necessarily be able veer him she will steer things toward Obama's view and more or less skew the debate.  Because of the trend toward Romney and yet another opportunity for Americans to once again see him for who he is, Obama winning Tuesday's debate whether he actually does or not but given a victory already determined in advance, I don't believe the debate will hurt Romney unless he has a major gaffe which highly unusual for him.

So be prepared to yell at the TV, get agitated, aggravated, frustrated and angered as Crowley and the leftist media worship at the Obama altar. But rest assured that the American people are seeing through the spin. The fallout over Libya is only beginning and will continue to escalate as we draw closer to the October 22 debate which will be exclusively foreign policy and I am sure by then Libya and the Obama disaster will dominate.

It's by far not over and the fat lady hasn't sung yet. Our fight will not be finished until the last vote is counted and a defeated Obama leaves Washington in January. But the fat lady seems to be putting on her Sunday best and getting her vocal chords warmed up as the American people prepare Obama's pink slip on November 6.

Ken Taylor

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