The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Thursday, February 09, 2012


Three almost meaningless elections were held on Tuesday. Although important all three have virtually no impact on the final out come of the GOP nomination since none of the results equated into assignment of delegates and when the state conventions are held in April none of the delegates are bound to any candidate in accordance to the states vote count. But one thing was made perfectly clear in the result of the elections, no one wants Romney!

First The Associated Press has taken it upon themselves to presume the assignment of delegates based on Tuesday's vote and as such the media is making a big deal about Santorum moving into second in the still low delegate count. Officially though no delegates have been assigned and as I mentioned above no delegate is bound in any of the three States to vote at the National Convention in August for any candidate as a result of the election. In August every delegate from all three States may vote as they wish for ANY candidate so Santorum did not gain anything other than recognition he has not had to date.

But for Mitt Romney the results from the electorate in Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri was a massive blow to his campaign as voters rejected him as a candidate and the, "crowning," of him by the GOP establishment, the media, pundits and yes even Obama and the Democrats who want to run against Romney.

This rejection proves once again that the rank and file Republicans, conservatives and voters in general have no real desire to see Romney as the GOP nominee and also reject the notion that he is the inevitable nominee that is the most electable against Obama. Romney also has not helped his candidacy by virtually ignoring Obama in order to attack Newt Gingrich and now turning his big bucks attack machine against Rick Santorum.

Romney has taken almost all the focus off of Obama and through an endless barrage of negative campaigning turned voters already sceptical of him completely against him. I did appreciate one statement Santorum made after his victories on Tuesday when he stated that he was not the conservative alternative to Romney but the conservative alternative to Obama.

Once again the pundits, the media and of course the GOP establishment is tyring to write off Gingrich but Newt still has as much opportunity to gain the nomination as Santorum and Romney. The path to the Convention has only made one stop in the South and Gingrich can boast that his win in the South Carolina Primary was the only election during this cycle where voters were fired up enough to come out in record numbers. South Carolina had a 35% increase over 2008 while all other states have recorded much less than 08 with Florida more than 30% down.

Romney continued his negative campaign in full force after the Tuesday results when at every opportunity during interviews he did nothing more than attack Santorum and as he has done since Iowa with increased negativity in each state since then almost completely ignored the real problem facing America this election year and that is Barack Obama. Romney seems to have lost most of his angst against Obama and chosen instead to focus on fellow Republicans and angering the GOP and Independent electorate.

He is proving more each day why he is a weak candidate and would fold in a one on one contest against Obama since he cannot stay on message and chooses to use negativity as a means to try and win rather than a strong stance on issues which can and will beat Obama since he has failed miserably in all aspects of the Presidency.

While still a Gingrich supporter, Santorum's showing on Tuesday has shown me that GOP voters are finally starting to see the truth about Romney and understand that a conservative candidate is what we need to beat Obama. I am still not convinced that Santorum has the stamina and strength on the issues to go toe to toe against Obama and that Gingrich has both, but the momentum has at least turned toward conservatism and knocked down the establishment which equates to a better chance for victory in the Fall.

Ken Taylor


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