Now of course cows have been grazing and farting for centuries but now they contribute to Global Warming. The study also is calling for the reduction of the consumption of red meat which will reduce the need for cows, (you know the old Capitalist supply and demand thing), which in turn will reduce methane gas ,(cow farts), released into the atmosphere.
The study also states that men because of a greater consumption of red meat contribute more to Global Warming than women because of their release of methane gas. Yeah, you guessed farts.
So gentleman remember the next time you enjoy that hamburger or steak you are a contributor to the, "Global Warming Crisis." Personally I plan on sitting down to a big T - Bone, enjoying every juicy bite, thanking God for the cow who contributed to Global Warming while grazing and getting fat producing my T - Bone. If after finishing my delicious meal I too happen to contribute to Global Warming.....please.....ah.....excuse me!
Ken Taylor
LOL! You and me both, Ken. Last week I did a lot of damage to the environment after eating two large bowls of Chili! Heh! I probably brought about the destruction of the planet all by myself!
WOW! Do we have a bunch of loonies on this planet or what? I've got a 9/11 conspiracy theororist over at my place who of course is so bright he can't even spell!
I don't know about doing them a favor, but beef is the finest dietary item that God ever created.
I think we should start a movement to reduce global warming but having a Cow Fart Reduction Resolution, and proclaim that conservatives worldwide commit to doubling our consumption of beef so that we reduce the number of cows. I could probably even get a big, pork laden government grant to study the effects of this effort.
Who says the right doesn't care?
WOW..when someone asks for an example of "stupid", I can now refer them here. I love it! LMAO.
I'll make sure to convey to my fart happy husband that it's his fault Al Gore is making money off his carbon credit shenanigins.
HOLY COW!!! (Oh yes, I went there.)
Can't these people be thought of as biggots, aren't cows holy in some religion? Ahh they are, here you go:
I love my steak and I don't care if you tell me it will kill my family, it tastes soooo good.
In addition freeing the world of these "toxins" could be dangerous. If we don't produce Co2 then we are harming the forests and eco-systems! They need it for photosynthesis. Cows also produce Co2. Please people SAVE THE FOREST!
To the "global warming" kids: spend some time at a feedlot in the Western U.S.
I watched a city kid heave his guts out just going past one near Hereford, Texas.
In the Texas Panhandle, it's known as cash flow.
That is so funny!
These idiots never fail to make me LMAO. You get them wearing nylon belts rather than leather ones to make a point and sneering at people who wear leather jackets for victimizing those "poor animals", then in the next breath they condemn the same critters, for their natural bodily functions, as being a global warming menace.
Let's commune with Mother Nature (kumbaya...) and ask her why she provided us with the teeth of carnivores.
Great post, Ken, very worthy of being commemmorated over a big, juicy ribeye.
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