The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Harry Whittington the friend of Vice President Dick Cheney who was shot in a hunting accident Saturday suffered a mild heart attack as one of the bird shot pellets lodged in his chest made its way to Whittington's heart. While our hopes and prayers for a full recovery of the VP's friend are with Mr. Whittington the feeding frenzy scandal seeking press continued in their relentless pursuit to try and create a major White House scandal out of this unfortunate incident. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan was grilled once again by the Washington Press Corps and try as he may to relate to these morons in the press room other events that were taking place today the relentless scandal seeking wheenies would not let McClellan off the subject. Once again riddling him with stupid questions especially relating to the time line and why the press was not alerted before they were. One NBC reporter though asked several times to end his questioning became almost uncontrollably angry because McClellan was attempting to go on rather than answer his ridiculous questions. As I mentioned in yesterday's post this is just one more example of the media wing of the Democratic Party, or better known as the mainstream press, and their continuous attempt to create any type of scandal to destroy the Bush Presidency.

Ken Taylor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

McClellan was told BEFORE the press briefing that Whittington suffered a heart attack, yet he made no mention of it.

During the press conference, Carl Cameron of Fox News asked how much of a relief it was that Whittington was doing fine. It would have been the appropriate time for McClellan to actually pass on the info that he knew, but he didn't.

The reason this is a story is because the VP wanted to keep the fact that he shot a man secret.

12:57 AM, February 15, 2006  
Blogger MDConservative said...

Since when is it the job, or right, of the White House to comment on behalf of a private citizens healthcare?

Did you think that maybe this private citizen does not want everything about his life, and most private details known to all?

All this talk about how the White House is violating the privacy of Americans, their 4th Amend. rights. Well last time I checked people were complaining about their MEDICAL RECORDS being looked into by the government. You want to tell me that the Government cannot, BUT any person can be forced to disclose their medical condition and progress?

I mean which way is it? Should we get photos of his wounds to know for sure? If he doesn't want to, get a warrant? Throw his image all over any medium?

What PROOF do you have that he planned to never disclose any of the information? Not offering any information for 24 hours is a big difference than keeping it secret.

President Clinton "shot" someone and sure as hell didn't hold a press conference to let everyone know what he had done.

12:44 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's Clinton's fault. I love the Republican apologists who inject irrelevant Clinton references into legitimate debate.

You equate getting a blowjob as shooting a man in the face? As far as I know Monica wasn't in mortal danger. Clinton may have broken her heart but he didn't almost kill her.

The VP SHOT A MAN IN THE FACE. This is not a story about a private citizen's healthcare it is about the Vice President of the United States of America almost killing a man and then not informing the American people about the details about the accident in a timely manner. He showed incredibly poor judgment with the way he fired his gun and he showed further poor judgment with the way he handled the story. Save your breath for the McClellan, Fitzwater, Fleischer, and all of the other Republicans who say that he mishandled the story.

7:15 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

Again, Rob the whole point is that the press is trying to make a scandal. Yeah the VP could have spoken out sooner and McClellan knew about the heart attack. But for crying out loud, wouldn't you be somewhat upset if you had accidentaly shot a friend and would't your first and only concern be his well being and that of his families. If he had gone to the press with the story before Sunday then some of the family would have heard it on the news. How would you feel if that were you? Also don't you think that McClellan was using discretion by waiting for the doctor who had full knowledge and access to Mr. Whittington and his family and their wishes to tell the press, rather than a partial story with the possibility of some of the family being left out of the loop. This family is already having to air information that is ususally personal because it involves the VP. Maybe the White House and Cheney are more interested in their thoughts and feelings than the vultures of the press. The press is just ticked because Cheney didn't have them called in while Mr. Whittington was still laying on the ground so they could have a picture of the VP over the victim with blood on his hands.


7:17 AM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your idea of news must be Brittany driving with her baby in the front seat.

The Monday edition of the Washington Post had a story about a 7 year old kid who was shot in a head and killed. It was an accident caused by a member of the hunting party who was loading his gun in the back of a pickup truck. More details were reported in that story than about the VP shooting a man in the face. I think that is pathetic. The majority of the country agrees with my point of view and there are plenty of Republicans who believe the information was mishandled.

I don't really care if you think the VP was right and you just want to blame the press - that is your right. I'm happy for you. Let's just agree to disagree.

8:54 AM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger MDConservative said...

Any story involving a child will trump any and everything.

The child was killed.

You can't take a Clinton joke? Good lord, a little play on words and the fact that NO President (or VP) runs to the WH Press with every detail.

I only agree that it could have been handled better, no more no less (and that does not include the time frame of disclosure). If the injury is not fatal is it required to ID the individual that was shot?

"The VP was invloved in a hunting accident which involved the accidental shooting of his friend with bird shot at a range of 20-30 yards. The individual is under care in the hospital.
Any further diclosure may or may not come from the family if they so decide. We remind you that this was a private event, and the VP greatly regrets the incident but will continue to respect the privacy of his friend, and the family."

...That have been ok if released saturday night?

12:55 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were joking about Clinton? Oh, I thought you were just like other Republican apologists who cannot argue a point without bringing in irrelevant references to Clinton.

If you want to continue to defend Cheney that's fine. You want to keep the story alive, I'm happy to just refer you to the thoughts of Republicans. Read Peggy Noonan's opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal today. She basically says the VP was incompetent. I assume you know who Noonan is.

2:01 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger MDConservative said...

I don't see the problem with comparing examples of how other Executive Branches work. I just know for a fact that there is no story, and by waiting 12 hours VPOTUS may have granted the desire for a story.

Where in the Constitution does it say anything has to go through the WH press, not local media?

Look I am glad becuase my work is just the opposite of public relations so I honestly don't know how ANY press sec deals with it. Is it all over now that the investigation is closed? Or has the Sheriff been "gotten to"?

6:00 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know for "a fact?" Wow, I did not realize you were in the hunting party.

6:30 PM, February 16, 2006  

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