The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Monday, March 26, 2012


With more than 70% of the country favoring the Keystone Pipeline and a favorable rating of more than 60% of Democrats supporting this vital oil line from Canada, Barack Obama the poll driven pretender who sits in The White House made a trip to Oklahoma and amidst a pile of pipes destined to build one segment of the pipeline claims he is putting this on a fast track when in actuality he is lying and deceiving the public.

The segment of the pipeline that Obama claims he has put on a fast track to complete travels from Oklahoma to Northern Texas and has been approved and in construction for some time. If Obama tried to stop this portion of the pipeline he couldn't because it is nearly completed and his so called, "fast track," is nothing more than a political move to play to the majority of the country that favor this pipeline.

What he is trying to hide from the public is his personal lobbying efforts to stop the portion of the pipeline that is supposed to bring oil from Canada to Oklahoma. He has personally vetoed this portion of the pipeline and when the House included approval of this as an amendment to a bill, Obama personally called Democrat Senators to get them to vote against the amendment when the bill reached the Senate. They did and it failed once again stopping the oil from leaving Canada and coming to the US.

The section of pipeline he is claiming to fast track cannot transport any oil because the portion he has blocked actually brings the oil from Canada to Oklahoma then to Texas. So in essence Obama is making a political move supposedly backing a section of the pipeline that when completed will sit empty since Obama has blocked the Northern portion.

This trip to Oklahoma attaching himself politically to a project already underway and that he could not stop was nothing more than a photo op to cover his lying butt and try to deceive Americans into believing he really cares about the high price we are paying at the pump for gas. He has spent his entire time in office attacking anything oil and is responsible for much of our high gas prices and continues to block any real solutions for relief such as the Keystone Pipeline and leases on government land to oil companies for exploration which would IMMEDIATELY force the price down as futures markets would see the supply capability increase with the land leases.

Anyone supporting Obama for reelection is supporting the continuation of bankrupting energy prices. Anyone supporting Obama for reelection is favoring gas prices that will likely top $10.00 a gallon during the first year of a second Obama term. Anyone supporting Obama for reelection is being duped into believing that he actually cares for Americans and is concerned about the damage his economy and energy policy is doing to the hard working people of The United States.

Ken Taylor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an uninformed person complaining about something they no nothing can pipeline that exports all that oil lower price of gas...also it takes 100 days to turn oil in to gas so there would be no effect the day it goes through.

1:15 PM, April 05, 2012  
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8:58 PM, April 08, 2016  
Blogger seocom said...

فني تركيب باركية بالرياض
يحتاج تركيب الباركية إلى مجموعة مميزة من العمال القادرين علي تركيبة بطريقة سليمة دون التسبب في حدوث فوارق يحدث نتيجتها انتشار الحشرات وخلافة لذلك توفر شركة تركيب باركيه بالرياض أفضل مجموعة من مواد الباركية وأجهزة التركيب المختلفة كما توفر عدد من العمال القادرين علي التعامل بشكل محترف و في أسرع وقت ممكن

4:30 AM, November 27, 2018  

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