The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Friday, March 09, 2012


101, a number that doesn't mean much to most Americans until it is placed in some sort of context. 101, the number of fundraisers that Barack Obama has conducted at tax payer expense for his reelection bid. 101, the number of times he has boarded Air Force One as of March 8, 2012 to fly all over the country and Puerto Rico to raise money for his reelection, none of which involved any official duty of the Presidency yet used official Presidential staff, transportation and lodging.

Yes all Presidents have used the office and perks to fund raise during a reelection bid but Obama spends more time fund raising than being President. Now in some respects this is a good thing because it is that much less time for him to continue to destroy our country. But, I as a tax payer am disgusted that my tax money is used to support his fund raising efforts especially since I don't want him to be reelected.

Now how does Obama's 101 compare to President Bush as of March 8 of 2006 when he was running for reelection? At this same point in his term Bush had attended 51 fund raisers for his reelection bid with the majority being in Washington and not requiring travel except by Presidential limo. That's half the number of Barack Obama.

Let's go back even further to see what Bill Clinton did during his reelection year of 1996. Clinton attended even less that Bush with a total of only 33 as of March 8, 1996 in his bid for reelection. One third of the Obama total. In fact if you combine the Bush and Clinton totals both former Presidents attended 84 fund raisers or 17 LESS than the professional fund raiser Barack Obama.

When asked about this ridiculously large amount of fund raisers, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney passed the blame on to The Supreme Court stating that Obama had to spend more time fund raising since the high court said that Super Pacs could continue to be used during Presidential campaigns and Republicans had many Super Pacs. Of course Carney neglected to mention Obama's Super Pacs, but then it would have made his lame argument seem even more asinine than it was.

So even without supporting Obama we who are tax paying Americans and want this yo yo out of office are being forced to help pay for his reelection in the amount of jet fuel, motor vehicle fuel, lodging and entertainment it takes to allow this professional fund raiser to trip the lights fantastic schmoozing the fat cats and partying with donors who are stupid enough to help reelect this absolute failure and disgrace to the honored Office of President of the United States.

Ken Taylor


Blogger Calmoderate said...

The question seems to center on what can anyone do about the role of money in politics. It corrupts both parties. Politicians spend almost as much time chasing lobbyist money as they do anything else. Its all perfectly legal. How can anyone tell which side is worse when it comes to this issue? Its easy to argue that they are both about the same.

9:36 AM, March 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rarely leave comments, but this issue is way too big to just ignore. Ken, I think any president who's first order of business was to seal every record of his past, should be put under the microscope of every American citizen. By closing your eyes or refusing to find out the truth because the answer could be nightmare for our country, is all the more reason to find the truth now. A man with nothing to hide, wouldn't have given it a second thought. Shame on anyone who would stand in the path of the truth.
Carolynn G.

7:39 PM, March 15, 2012  
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