The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Sunday, August 21, 2005


John has done a great job over the past days researching and covering this story and the two cents that I am adding are born from a disgust over her, "plight" and the way she has allowed the memory of her son, a fallen hero, to become tarnished to pursue a political agenda. Don't get me wrong, I believe in the Constitution and her right to express her views whether I agree with them or not. What disgusts me about what she has done is not her protest but her using the memory of her son to press her views and allowing that memory to be used and twisted by the leftist media and groups such as Move On .Org, Michael Moore, (whose website she posts on regularly), and other liberal cronies who could not care less for her son or for Ms. Sheehan but only see an opportunity to come out against the President and the war! She continually states that she supports the troops yet condemns what they are doing and has allowed her voice to be expressed by ,"news" agencies like Al Jezeera whose aim is to stir up insurrection to get American troops killed! There are far more people and groups that are actively supporting the troops and the President, many of which are actually camped at the Crawford ranch along with Sheehan and her group. Yet there is no coverage of their views, no commentary of their plight and no mention of their loss. Why ? The obvious reason is that the media is not interested in anything that may support the war or the President, nor anything that can prove the justification of the war. If someone is against either or both, they then become the story. The only reports that we hear in the United States about the war are the death toll and how it happened. Nothing of the tremendous job that our military men and women perform or the progress that has been made by the troops and the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. There is also a constant attempt by the left to separate the Iraq battlefield from the Afghan battlefield so as not to associate the former with the greater War on Terror. I have had the opportunity to talk with several soldiers who have come home from Iraq and without exception they have told me two things. One; that they support the President and believe in what they are doing and willingly return to finish the job and two; that the first time that they were truly afraid and concerned was when they returned home and saw the media coverage of the war. The fear they feel is that the true story is not being told and all of the negative the media regurgitates will turn the American people against them as was the case in Vietnam! We cannot allow this to happen. Ms. Sheehan unfortunately has used her son to attempt to do both. I was glad to see in the Newsmax headlines today that the President is using the, "bully pulpit" to re-enforce support for the troops and the war, ( Our troops are truly American hero's and they are and have been performing a tremendous job in defense of this nation and in combating terror on ALL fronts. They deserve our support, their mission deserves our support as does their Commander in Chief. We are at war and our uniting behind them is the greatest moral boost and incentive that our troops and our President need!

Ken Taylor


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