The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Why we fight---Our mission statement

I was inspired to write a mission statement tonight. My inspiration for this was to state the views of a young conservative living in America, and second to show I am more than just a "South Park conservative", as some have called those like me.

1-Government is never smarter than the individual-Government only produces waste-Though it is a necessity, it should always be limited.
2-Private Industry fuels freedom-Country's which encourage private bussiness to flourish will see freedom follow. (example U.S.S.R. , and soon China)
3-Free speech is a God given right-I personally want to encourage all to speak in this, or any other forum, with absolute freedom no matter what your political, religious, or personal beliefs are. We are all Americans, and it is our duty to speak openly. For the good of our society.
4-History is not only a guide, but a gift-By learning history, we are less likely to repeat the failures of those before us.
5-Honesty will always be the best policy-By being honest, with yourself and with others, you may not always be loved and adored, but your will always be respected.
6-Americas greatest asset, is the individual. And her greatest enemy are those who suppress them.

This is dedicated to Ken, Ronald Reagan, Chris, and to all whom have made me believe in this grand experiment called America. Thank you all.

John Oliver Benton III


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