Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Barack Obama has revealed his true beliefs and shown his ass....ahh I mean his idiocy by the statement found to the left, (appropriate that it is found , "left," in the posting), which wreaks of his idea that government is the answer, means and solution to his socialistic, "utopia," where everyone is a mind numb zombie that bows to government and owes their very existence to government. 

The very idea that every business owner who sacrifices their time, money, personal initiative and drive, risking everything to make and run a successful business owes its existence to government and what they sacrificed had NOTHING to do with the success and building of that business is not just ridiculous but a disgusting display of an idiot who has never had a job other than political nor worked a business a day in his life

The gall in stating that anyone who has developed a business through hard work and sacrifice, "didn't build that, somebody else made it happen," shows his absolute ignorance and is an insult to every entrepreneur that has ever made a business work from the infancy of our Republic. This raving lunatic went on to say that it is because of those who built, "roads and bridges," that a business exists and of course that to him means government.

Well Mr. Obama let me tell you the facts. Private business has existed in America long before government built roads and bridges. Additionally where does the money come from to build those roads and bridges? The private business owners who have busted their behinds 18 hours a day to make a success of their business and pay the taxes that built those roads and bridges.

I owned a small business in the eighties and it was my hard work, my initiative and the loyalty and work of my employees that made the business a success. I negotiated with other businesses to trade my services for goods that I used as benefits for my employees. I negotiated the contracts that paid for the services my business provided. The only thing government had to do with my business was to collect taxes which went down during the eighties thanks to the policies of Ronald Reagan.

The reality of the association of government and business is that burdensome regulation actually hurts business not make them possible as Obama believes. This one statement by the idiot in chief expresses in a nutshell why this plague must be voted out of office and sent into historical oblivion where he belongs. He does not understand the American dream. He is anti business and rejects the idea that Americans are exceptional because of our individualism and the freedom protected by our Constitution.

November cannot come soon enough to rid America of the Obama virus and come January to remove it forever from Washington DC and the political arena where maniacal ideas like this will no longer work to destroy our beloved country and force our free people into slavery to an overbearing government.

Ken Taylor

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