The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


These two moments during the South Carolina Primary Debate in Myrtle Beach, SC not only gave Gingrich the win in the debate but may very well have won the South Carolina Primary. After the second video the former Speaker received a standing ovation, a singular honor in this and all other debates as it has never happened before. From personal observation covering the debate live and the events of the day, Gingrich had the strongest response from the crowds throughout the day and during the Debate.

Ken Taylor


Blogger Mike's America said...

Rick Perry had a good debate night too. Had he shown such ability in the other debate we might not be worrying about Romney now.

I hope the standing ovatin that Newt got for his answer on jobs for young people translates into votes but I am concerned that people like him in debates but will still vote for Rommey.

The other candidates messed Romney up a little (Santorum had him really rattled at one point) but not enough.

10:27 AM, January 17, 2012  
Blogger Denny said...

Newt Gingrich proved in this debate why he would prove to be a much tougher GOP candidate against Obama than regional candidate Rick Perry, Libertarian Foreign Policy Fright Ron Paul, not-quite-up-to-the-task Rick Santorum and RINO, Father of Homosexual Marriage in America, Mitt Romney. Newt has a PROVEN TRACK RECORD of getting BIG things done for America BECAUSE of his big mouth to speak the Truth To Power, be they Saul Alinsky Radicals or Establishment Republicans like Bush Sr, who derailed Reagan's Revolution by violating his "no new taxes, read my lips" pledge. Newt will RESTORE the Reagan Revolution, bringing millions of jobs to America and CHANGING it from the road to Sodom and Gomorrah that Obama and the RINOS currently have it on, to the road BACK to exceptionalism and the Rule of Law. He worked with Presidents Reagan and Clinton to help create a climate to create over 20 million new jobs and reformed welfare and balanced America's budgets. Go Newt!

5:14 PM, January 17, 2012  
Blogger jcjetusa said...

they sit there and they take it. Whenever their own voters are insulted — when their own voters are laughed at and impugned and called racists, sexist, bigot homophobes — the Republicans don‘t defend them nor themselves because they’re scared to death the independents are gonna be upset, or the media is gonna be upset.
So the base of the Republican Party, the voters, have been bottling up for 25 years, a resentment — an anger, if you will — that their own party won’t fight for them, won’t fight for itself, won‘t fight for what’s right. So when Newt gets teed up with these questions from Juan Williams and John King and whoever else and simply says what they’ve been thinking for 25 years, they say, “Finally!” What they want right now is fight-back, what they want is push-back, what they want is kick-back, what they want is smack-down! What they want is for these people who have been laughing at them and mocking them and impugning them, put in their place.
They’re tired of the cultural rot taking place in the country. They’re tired of the incessant growth of government and spending. They’re tired of it, and they‘re frustrated as they can be that members of their own party who get elected can’t seem to articulate their own passions. Politics is about passion, and the Republican Party doesn’t seem to have it! There’s always fear of somebody. Fear of the media, fear of Democrats. Well, Newt doesn‘t act like he’s got any fear. So how many wives does he got? “I don’t care!” What did he do for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac? “I don’t care.” What are his media national disapproval ratings?
“I don’t care! Finally somebody’s telling the bad guys who they are, what to do and that we’re not gonna take it anymore.You can say that elections aren’t won that way.they aren’t? Who just won? Who’s already leading in the polls in Florida? GO Newt!!

8:58 PM, January 24, 2012  
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