The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Like a child stomping out of a room when not getting its way, Barack Obama abruptly stormed out of the debt ceiling talks at The White House while telling House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, "don't call my bluff," in reference to statement that he would VETO any short term extension of the debt ceiling.

Yet another example that the children are running The White House and Obama is the biggest child of them all. Obama continues to push for immediate tax increases to business which will kill an already stagnant economy and what few cuts he is agree to will not begin until AFTER he leaves office.

Anyone with any sense understands that come August 2 when the fictitious debt ceiling will supposedly be reached, the country WILL NOT default on our debts and inspite of the scaremongering of Barack Obama SS, VA and disability checks WILL be issued as always. Yet the child in The White House thinks he can get his way by stomping out of the meeting.

Just before he stormed out he whined that if the GOP does not agree with him he will, "take it to the people," acting as if we side with him. Well Barack you have taken it to the people for nearly three years and we have taken it in the backside because of your failed polices. So go ahead and, "take it to the people," and we the people will tell YOU where YOU can take it because, WE ARE FED UP WITH YOUR GARBAGE AND WILL NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE!

The dishonesty, no out right lying of Barack Obama and his scaremongering over the debt ceiling is inexcusable and no matter how one looks at it wrong. Whining, walking out and playing political games is NOT what we the people want yet it is all that Obama is and will do. He is not nor ever will be a leader but a child who will do anything to get his way and force his tax and spend socialist redistribution agenda down our throats to the destruction of America.

Ken Taylor

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