The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Thursday, November 04, 2010


65 or more seats in the House, at least 6 Senate seats, 19 state legislatures and nearly a sweep in Governors took place on election day as Americans spoke in a loud and clear voice to Barack Obama that his agenda, his policy and his governing were NOT what the people wanted and this political ideologue proved during his press conference that he not only does not get it but refuses to accept or listen to the will of the people.

Acting,( and I stress acting), somewhat humbled but still allowing the arrogance he has shown throughout his Presidency to come forth, Obama admitted that the election results stung but his answers to other questions show that it stung only as it does for a bully who has been caught, sent to the principles office then left to continue his bullying after a minor slap on the wrist. Obama and the Democrat agenda was completely repudiated on Tuesday and all he could say was the voters did not understand.

According to this political leftist animal he and his agenda are not the problem but the people are since the election results obviously show that Americans just don't see how great Obama is and how much he has saved the Nation by his agenda and his policy. He stated that he could, "see," how the stimulus, health care, bailouts, buying GM and Chrysler etc. could be, "seen," as government intrusion, rather than, as he put it, "necessary," steps to save the economy which as he said were not agenda related.

Well Mr. Obama keep thinking that because it is BECAUSE we understand and saw for ourselves EXACTLY what you have done and the results of your, "necessary," measures that we came out by the millions and kicked your party out and voted in a conservative Republican majority in the House, evened up the Senate and turned the states over to conservatives who understand that an agenda is set by the people and NOT political ideologues who spit on the Constitution and seek to destroy the very principles that founded our nation and have sustained us since our birth.

Some Republicans, especially the establishment RINOS have gone on record that Obama would shift to the middle and the GOP should compromise with him to work together for the country. Well Obama showed in his press conference that his version of compromise was for the GOP to bend to him and work for him as Democrats did. We the people are sending Republicans to Washington to STOP Obama and not help him. The only compromise we will accept is for Obama to end his madness and allow conservative principles and policy to be the order of the day.

Since he has prove this will not be Obama's choice after the people spoke loud and clear on Tuesday then we expect Republicans to fight him every step of the way! That Mr. Obama is what the people understand and that is what we demand and that is why we voted as we did on Tuesday.

So you just head on to India, and wherever else you plane to go needlessly spending 2 billion dollars of the peoples money and get out of the way because come January the tide of conservatism that was ushered in on Tuesday November 2, 2010 is going to wash over you, your agenda and your administration in a tidal wave with a clear mandate from the people for a Constitutional government of by and for the people because we, Mr. Obama know what is best for us, our children and our country. Your day is done and the people are now in control.

Ken Taylor


Blogger Mike's America said...

I see Obama gave an interview to 60 Minutes in which he again said it was a failure to communicate not a failure of his policies.

As long as keeps up with this ego driven delusion we are going to keep scoring points.

12:33 PM, November 05, 2010  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

Mike, the arrogance continues!

4:38 PM, November 05, 2010  

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