The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


The nation bade farewell to a good, decent and honest man today who history will remember as our 38th President and a grateful nation will remember as a man of integrity whose steadfast leadership and courage during a time of turmoil promoted healing and restored dignity and calm to a government shadowed by painful division and chaos. As we begin a new year this thankful nation took pause today to remember and celebrate the life and service of President Ford as three former President's and five former first ladies gathered with President and Mrs. Bush and several thousand other mourners at the National Cathedral in Washington to join before the flag draped casket with the Ford family to honor this humble man from Michigan who served this nation both in the Navy and as a public servant for thirty four years until Inauguration Day in January, 1977. For one in the congregation it was a time that brought back painful memories that placed her as one with the Ford family in a particular way as Nancy Reagan was in attendance at the Cathedral for the first time since June of 2004 when in a similarly moving service we bade farewell to her beloved Ronnie. President and Mrs. Bush as they did for President Reagan paid their respects to President Ford the day before the funeral service as they visited the Capitol Rotunda yesterday. The President then today as in 2004 with Mrs. Reagan escorted Mrs. Ford through the Cathedral to join her family as they shared with us their sorrow for the man we called President but who they called husband and father. President Ford was eulogized by former President Bush, former Secretary of State Henry Kissenger, Tom Brokaw and as he did for President Reagan, President Bush paid tribute on behalf of a grateful nation, "In President Ford ... America found a man whose character and leadership would bring calm and healing to one of the most divisive moments in our nation's history." The President also stated, "President Ford's time in office was brief, but history will long remember the courage and common sense that helped restore trust in the workings of our democracy." Dr. Henry Kissenger in his eulogy stated tha President Ford was, "unassuming and without guile, perfectly equipped to restore Americans' confidence in their values and institutions." This was President Ford, a humble man of strength, honesty and dignity whose love of country far out weighed any political thought or ambition who became President though never seeking the office but in assuming the duties gave this nation what she needed in a time when she needed so much. Now as was stated by clergy during the service Gerald R. Ford has entered the Kingdom of Heaven and his earthly figure is returning to his boyhood home of Grand Rapids, Michigan so that they may honor their favorite son before he is laid to rest. Gerald Ford the 38th President of The United Sates of America, House Minority Leader, Congressman, Lt. Commander in The United Sates Navy, All American in football at the University of Michigan, father, grandfather and husband but most of all a great and good man whose honesty and integrity will be remembered throughout time. Farewell Mr. President.

Ken Taylor


Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Beautiful Tribute Ken.

Seems almost surreal knowing that now all of our memories will be in pages, writings and pictures now. And for those of us lucky enough to remember that far back forever embeded in our memories!

Sleep well Mr. President.

3:32 PM, January 02, 2007  
Blogger Gayle said...

Thank you for a wonderful tribute to President Ford, Ken. Some people have said he was rather inept as a President but I know he would have been a darn sight better than Carter was, and the American people made a huge mistake in not re-electing him for another term. Instead the gave us the Carter Catastrophe, and we've suffered for it ever since! Ford was a good and decent man, and that is something no one can take away from him.

11:58 AM, January 03, 2007  
Blogger Mike's America said...

I ended up watching the final internment in Grand Rapids today. I wasn't going to but was glad I did.

Donald Rumsfeld gave a eulogy, but then was followed by Carter. Quite a contrast. After listening to Carter blather on and on all about HIM it made me even more glad we turned him out of office in 1980.

10:53 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was Ford's request that Carter give the very last eulogy.

9:33 PM, January 06, 2007  
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