I discovered an interesting site that I would like to share with you and in which I will be linking to as soon as this is posted. The name of the site is, "Send a Brick, " and it takes an interesting twist to get the point across to the boneheads in Congress concerning the nations irritation over the border issue. A recent poll indicated that 80% of Americans are in favor of a fence along the border and strict border security. This web site offers an opportunity to not only express to the Congress how you feel about securing the border but actually gives an opportunity to assist in providing materials to actually build the border fence! The premise is to either purchase from the site or send on your own a brick, (yes an actually bone - a - fide mortar ready brick), to Congress either as is or painted with your thoughts or a saying expressing your concern for border security. As of this writing more than 10, 000 bricks have been sent and that is just a start. Hey they have to do something with them, why not build the wall. Having visited the Capitol several times I can only imagine how aggravating this has to be to the Capitol Post Office and they in turn expressing their irritation to members of Congress who over see the Post Office. Personally the bricks that I will send will be addressed to House members for they have much more at stake concerning listening to the American people in an election year. Senators run for re-election once every six years. During any given election cycle only one third of the Senate is up for grabs which gives the remaining Senators an election buffer to do what they darn well please regardless of what we who elect them think. Which is precisely what they have been doing. Now the House on the other hand runs for re-election every two years and as the House of the People in order to get re-elected they have to pay closer attention to the voters. This has been indicated by the tough stand of the House version of the immigration bill. So in my thinking sending bricks to House members would have a greater impact than the Senate. That is unless the Senators during one of their heated debates would use the bricks as projectiles against one another which might not be a bad idea! Leave it to the ingenuity of the American people to devise a way of political activism that makes the point in a way that cannot be ignored! Send your brick today!
Ken Taylor
Ken Taylor
My favorite quote, from an unknown senator on the matter:
"At least they're not throwing them through our windows."
He forgot the last word to that sentiment..............YET!!!
Amen brother Pero!!!!
I sent 4 bricks, one for each member of my Family. I would have sent one through the window but my arm is not that good.
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