The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


One of the crowning moments in the Presidency of Ronald Reagan took place on a bright day in Berlin, Germany when the President stood in front of the Berlin Wall and demanded that Chairman Mikhail Gorbechev the Leader of the Soviet Union, "tear down, " the Berlin Wall allowing freedom to thrive in the oppressed Eastern Block countries of Europe. Following WWII partly because of weak agreeements made between the Allied Powers for the rebuilding of Europe after the war and partly because of Soviet aggression that was engineered by Josef Stalin the Soviet leader at the time the United States found herself in what was called, "The Cold War." A war of words and positioning that kept the world on the brink of possible nuclear destruction as the worlds two super powers played a cat and mouse game. The United States tried to coral communist expansionism while the Soviet Union was on the move taking countries as part of an ever expanding Soviet Empire. Several attempts were made by President's from Eisenhower to Carter through treaties and agreements to counter Soviet aggression but most failed or at best prevented further escalation. President Reagan had long been an outspoken opponent to communism well before he entered office. Upon becoming President he called a spade a spade and in his first State of the Union address shortly after becoming President called the Soviet Union, "the Evil Empire, " and made it United States policy to end the Cold War and the threat of communism and nuclear destruction. His plan basically consisted of tremendously building our military capability knowing that the Soviets would be forced to compete. The difference being that because of their oppressed economic situation it would eventually force the Soviets to the bargaining table and ultimately end the Evil Empire. In 1986 President Reagan met with Chairman Gorbechev in Reykjavik, Iceland and when Gorbechev tried to strong arm Reagan as previous Soviet leaders had with other President's, Reagan actually walked out on him and refused to budge. Goebechev realized eventually that Reagan was a force to recon with and through many other meetings and continued buildup, what President Reagan believed would happen did. In 1989 during the summer after he left office the Soviet Union fell and the Berlin Wall came down. I realize that this description is a quick and very brief overview of events that changed the world but the point is that through his strength both in character and in the inherent fact that all men wish to be free and the belief that the United States was/is the last best hope for freedom, President Reagan was proven right despite his critics and tremendous out cry against his ideal. Communism as a force on earth ended and The Soviet Union was re-born as Russia and the world changed for the better thanks to Ronald Reagan.

Ken Taylor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great moment in history. Too bad this president is allowing Putin to fall back on his KGB roots and resurrect totalitarian rule. I love the moment when Bush said he looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul. Wrong as usual.

8:46 PM, January 18, 2006  
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8:13 AM, November 12, 2009  
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4:15 PM, December 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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В копилке ВИА Dejavu-group более 3000 произведений.
Только живое исполнение. Диско, хиты 70-80-90-х, джаз, ретро, шансон, современная музыка, европейские хиты, фоновая музыка, поп .
Музыкальный ансамбль Дежа вю обладает мощной качественной музыкальной аппаратурой, позволяющей заполнить приятным и плотным уху звуком как небольшое помещение (фуршет), так и большое помещение (корпоратив до тысячи человек).

Игорь +7 916 623 4047 [/u][/color]

9:42 AM, January 20, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:01 AM, February 05, 2010  
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Сидят, выпивають потихоньку.
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7:22 AM, February 10, 2010  
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12:06 PM, March 03, 2010  
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Анекдотик, не помешает... :)
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останавливает [url=]мент[/url]:

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необходимо сдать ведро [url=]спермы[/url]... Вот вам ведерко, вот лесочек,
идите и дрочите...

Ну, те пошли... через 20 минут приносят ведерко - а там все на дне.

- Ну нет, [url=]ребята[/url]... вот, смотрите, бумага с печатью, закон,
понимаете, такой... идите, продолжайте...

И те пошли снова. Через два часа приносят полведра, уже на коленях
стоят, просят пощадить. Но мент непреклонен: надо полное ведро.

Уже ночью припозают едва живые с полным ведром.

- Вот это другое дело. Езжайте с Богом...

Уезжают. Мент берет ведерко, подходит к канаве (а там уже полно
спермы), выливает, напевая: "Любимый город может спать спокойно".

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6:57 PM, March 13, 2010  
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8:55 PM, January 29, 2011  
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9:13 AM, November 20, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether in combat training, board rooms or classrooms, gaming can add much to our daily lives. We can meet new people and increase our knowledge and abilities as we enjoy a change of pace from our daily routines. The following article has gaming suggestions and tricks that you can apply today.

If you buy pre-owned games, make certain to purchase a quality disc cleaner. It is almost impossible to tell ahead of time what condition used games will be in. Even though you may have let the discs get very dirty, the cleaning kit can help to get them working again. Research all the options that are available, though. There are a lot of cleaning kits out there.

As with many other things, you may need to try and try again in your gaming. Don't expect to become a master at every game you hold. Learn patience and make sure to practice to ensure that you eventually become good at it. This will let you master your games.

Limit cheat codes for games requiring skill to play. This is something that you will want to avoid, as it defeats the purpose of the game itself. Some cheats can ruin your whole game but sports related codes are the exception - they enhance the experience.

There are several websites that you can visit to determine if a game meets certain requirements for the computer. After you download it, it will say whether you have the necessary requirements for that specific game. If you don't like downloading things, bear in mind that you could just get the information and then delete the download.

Ask for suggestions from the game store employees about games you will like. A lot of people like different kinds of video games, you should look to branch out. You will find that the clerks can offer a variety of recommendations that you can enjoy for many happy gaming hours.

If you are thinking about purchasing a video game for a child, you may want to look into what each ESRB rating means. These ratings help you learn what games are best for your kid's age level so that you can avoid inappropriate content. The ratings tell you which games are appropriate.

If you're looking at purchasing a new video game, you can reserve it before it actually comes out. It is often the case that an extra feature or bonus is given to those who get in early on reserving a copy. These bonuses can give you an edge in the game, cool outfits, and unique features that are only available when purchased before release.

Always familiarize yourself on the novice levels before going on to the more demanding levels. These games are pretty difficult, and trying on rookie can help you build skills. After you have mastered the control, buttons and functions of the game, then move on and challenge yourself.

If possible, try games out before you buy them at your local library. Most public libraries offer video games that can be checked out for free. The library usually has game titles for all different systems, so simply call ahead and see if they have the title you want.

Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.

Computer Games can offer you a world of adventure, relaxation and excitement. You can also learn lots of new things as well as being a winner at whatever game you are playing! Whatever genre you prefer, apply what you've just learned and have a better time.

4:24 PM, January 28, 2013  

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