The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Holiday tree rather than Christmas tree. Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas at retail outlets. The banning of Christmas Carols that have any reference to Christ. The banning of any display of the nativity on any public grounds. These are just a few examples of the attack on Christmas that has been gradually taking place in our nation but has reached a somewhat fevered pitch this year since Walmart and Target have been under fire for supposedly requiring their employees to wish, "Happy Holidays, " rather than," Merry Christmas," ( on a side note I did call Walmart's corporate office in Arkansas and was told it was NOT company policy it was left up to the individual store). The controversy took a new twist this past week when Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert reversed the calling of the official tree in Washington a, "Holiday Tree, " which began during the Clinton administration and said that he would light a, "Christmas Tree," thus changing the official name back as it was before the mid nineties. All of this is based on the false notion that the United States Constitution states that there shall be a, "separation of church and state." Notice that I stated that it was based on a, "false notion." Why you may ask, "false ?" Because the words nor the premise of a, "separation of church and state," even exist within the Constitution! Over the last several decades there has been a, "dummying down," of the populace concerning the Constitution especially at the school level where reading the Constitution was required and now there is hardly a mention of it in the text books that are used in today's government schools. The majority of the population have never seen a copy of the Constitution much less read it. So the political premise of a, "separation of church and state, " is blindly accepted. To better understand what I am stating here we must first take a look at the Constitution and then the origin of the separation idea. What is known as the, "establishment clause, " is found in the first Amendment of the Constitution which actually states, " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The Founding Fathers realized the importance of freedom of religion as a basis for a free nation since they placed the, "establishment clause, " as the first right that the people have as found in the Bill Of Rights, the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. To better understand why the Fathers felt this so important then next we must look at where they had come from. As a British Colony and before, the soon to be nation followed long standing European laws governing religion which established a state church that one had to belong to to marry, own property, be buried etc. When the Pilgrims first came to this land, that is the primary reason that they left Europe, that they may have freedom to worship and believe as they wished. Therefore the Founding Fathers realized the necessity to establish religious freedom as law in the United States. The freedom to worship and practice religion as ones conscience and heart leads and the prevention of the establishment of a state church as was and still is the law in Britain and the rest of Europe. The idea of, "separation of church and state, " is found in a letter written by then President Thomas Jefferson in 1802, (full transcript of the letter -, as he answered the Danbury Baptist Association's concerns that the state of Connecticut saw religious liberties as, "favors granted, "rather than immutable rights. Jefferson in his answer stated that religion was guided by ones conscience and not by the state, "thus building a wall of separation of church and state." Ever since this letter the idea of, "separation of church and state, " has been attributed to the Constitution rather than the interpretation of Thomas Jefferson. It is only in the last 60 years that this idea has taken on the significance and political stature that it has and has been used to attempt to eliminate God from even being referenced much less worshiped. The Founders NEVER intended for God to be eliminated from this nation just the freedom for all to worship as they believed and to follow their conscience for that worship whether it be God the Father , (whom I worship), Buddha, Mohammed or whomever.

Although Christmas is primarily a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of the Savior, it is a recognized holiday that has been celebrated in this country and throughout the world for that reason and the name Christmas is applied to the celebration of Christ's birth. This ridiculous politically correct idea that the name of Christ as referenced to Christmas cannot even be used as a greeting, or a tree or the display of symbols celebrating His birth because it violates the Constitution is absurd. We celebrate Christmas because we believe in Christ as many do or ones celebration is based on the secular idea of Santa Clause etc. Either way the holiday is Christmas and it finds its origin in the birth of the Christ therefore WE here at The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth wish you A Merry Christmas and a blessed season !

Ken Taylor


Blogger Gayle said...

And I wish you a "Merry Christmas" as well. Excellent posting.

I mean, c'mon: How can you celebrate CHRISTmas without Christ? The Moonbats are unbelievable!

11:12 AM, December 05, 2005  
Blogger Pamela Reece said...

Great post! Thanks for adding my blog to yours, too!

11:58 AM, December 05, 2005  
Blogger Mark said...

I have noticed a great many commercials this year that talk about the Holidays with no mention whatsoever of Christmas.

Rev. Jerry Falwell has launched a preemptive campaign this year to preserve the mention of Christ in Christmas by sendinh letters out to every school district in the country advising them that the use of the word Christmas is not illegal and his organization has the backing of about 1,000 lawyers nationwide ready to argue the legality of it should anyone object.

I suspect this is the reson we are starting to see reversal in the trend toward the use of "Happy Holidays". I believe more info can be found at or something like that.

1:47 PM, December 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a liberal who celebrates Christmas, and I do not understand this idea of a war. I see no "banning" -- no legal action being taken. I was reading your blog when I realized that we may be unified in strongly disliking the commercialization of Christmas. I remember this little epiphany I had years ago — I’m sure it is a common epiphany. I think even Dr. Spock had it. All you need is love. The Beatles certainly had it. We all want to be accepted for who we are and appreciated. That’s really not such a bad thing. Let’s try to not put people on the defensive. When people feel threatened, they attack. Okay, not earth shattering. Try to see the other perspective, be empathetic.

I don’t know that anyone really ever had that much of a problem with Christmas itself. The complaining I’ve heard is that it is Christmas season from Halloween until Mid-January, that everywhere you look, you are slapped in the face with it. I know many Christians who complain about the fact that they have to listen to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” in early November. What is the cause of this? Capitalism and retail.

Culturally, non-Christians often get annoyed with Christmas, because it seems like the only holiday. For years, Jews did not get off on major Jewish holidays. We did not get Diwali off from school. Kwanzaa? What do we do for Ramadan? If one does take off for a religious observance, then s/he is excluded from the rest of what is going on. If I kept my child home for Diwali, s/he would miss a day of school. I believe there has been a move to secularize Christmas to make it more inclusive. Let’s celebrate all the holidays that happen during this season. It is not to exclude God. Ultimately, I think the message we want to send goes something like this: It is fine for you to worship your god; just be respectful of me worshipping mine.

It seems like it’s such a better idea to come together as a community rather than to exclude, and I do not understand this tendency to exclude. I say Merry Christmas to those whom I know celebrate the holiday. To others, I say Happy Holidays so as not to exclude them in the warm, loving atmosphere. Afterall, isn't that the spirit of the season?

4:33 PM, December 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Like anyone is really trying to take away your christmas trees... What a joke! Oh and as long as all religions should be treated equally may Satans blessings be upon you all. LOL! I bet you'd love to hear that 5-10 times a day from strangers.

6:04 PM, November 15, 2007  

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