Since the Presidential election of 2000, Democrats have been seeking to scandalize President Bush with any type of political game and deception that their warped liberal minds could muster because they feel that both 2000 and 2004 were stolen elections although ALL of the evidence proves other wise. In the last few months they believe that they have found a , "scandal, " that they can cling to and that will give them the legislative branch as a reward for their deception. Of course this, "scandal, " is the claim by the left that the President manipulated the pre-war intelligence concerning Iraq. Their first attempt to bring this scandal about was the Special Prosecutors investigation of the non-existent outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA, "operative." This reached a dead end for the libs when the only indictment they received was perjury and ,"Scooter, " Libby. Since then there have been numerous reports that Plames identity was known by everyone in Washington long before the Libby incident and as such this attempt at Bush destruction has had to be abandoned. You can bet they will try to revive it when Libby goes to court IF it makes it that far but the attempt will be to no avail since this , "scandal," is a non entity. So their hopes for bringing down the President and gaining the Congress now lay exclusively on the pre-war intelligence. This week this took the face of trying to get the country to rally behind the call for an immediate withdrawal of our forces from Iraq. A move that would have had devastating consequences for the United States, our troops and frankly the world. But details like this matter little to the left since power and the acquisition of it is all they seek. The brilliant move by Speaker Hastert on Friday to thwart their attempt by forcing a vote they were not prepared for temporarily showed the nation that the left is all mouth without a leg to stand on. But unfortunately the majority of the people have a political attention span of about 24 hours or less and this victory for truth will be short lived especially since it occurred on Friday and into the early hours of Saturday, a weak news cycle at best. Soon after the gavel sounded in the House on Saturday morning and the news of the defeat of the Murtha withdrawal resolution became history the Democrat leadership were in their back corner rooms and hidden offices regrouping and working to find another way to spin the pre-war intelligence hook in the media and get the nation focused on their grab for power once again. Their immediate goal is the Congress and the 2006 elections with the Presidential election of 2008 in the very near background. If they can get this supposed scandal to stick in the minds of the voters they have a distinct opportunity of taking at least one chamber of Congress in 2006. One of the more enlightening aspects of the left is that they are experts at creating a scandal out of nothing, which this intelligence debacle is for their collective memory loss about their own statements and voting in favor of invading Iraq is all too convenient . Of course having the willing assistance of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York and LA Times and numerous other liberal publications and entities help in achieving their goal of political destruction. If this attempted power grab is successful and the left once again controls the House then the next step will be a complete Watergate style investigation with committee hearings and an eventual article of impeachment brought up against President Bush for the high crime of, "lying, " to Congress and the people about Iraq. Then the impeachment vote would go along the lines of the 2006 elected majority which would then position them to try and take the White House in 2008. All of this would take place based on a totally fabricated media blitz and continual deception of the public based on twisted information being spewed out of the mouths of liberals over this next year.
Is it too late to prevent this political destruction and power take over ? Not yet, but it depends on the Republican majority and the President and Vice President to take action as they have in the past week and for both to concentrate on the conservative agenda that they were elected on. The vote to reduce the budget last week was a great start. Add to that the confirmation of Judge Alito which will begin in January and the right has a good foundation to prevent the liberal take over. President Bush needs to use the, "bully pulpit, " of the Presidency more effectively than he has. One of the aspects that made President Reagan so effective as a leader was his tremendous ability to communicate his agenda and his thoughts to the people. Even when his administration was struggling and I think particularly about the Iran-Contra hearings, President Reagan went before the people and the country always rallied behind him thus giving him the ability to push the conservative agenda through what was then a liberal Congress. President Bush does not have the communication skills of Reagan but he does have a similar vision and passion for this nation and every time he goes before the country this passion and his likability cause the people to rally behind him. Every President takes a nose dive in the polls at this point in a second term and Bush will rebound as have others before him. Still the necessity of grasping to the conservative agenda , less government a strong and effective military, dealing with the border situation and making tax cuts permanent then effectively telling this story to the American people especially getting extensive coverage on the Iraq successes and the truth about what WMD's that have been found as well as the documents that have surfaced proving the Iraq-Al Qaeda connection will culminate in the defeat of this liberal take over attempt and prove to the nation just who these left wingers truly are. The time for action is now for the consequences of inaction will be the a successful liberal take over and the socializing of our Republic and a successful rebuilding of terrorist networks which will culminate in terror attacks throughout the world as we have not seen before and possibly another 9/11 or worse.
Ken Taylor
Is it too late to prevent this political destruction and power take over ? Not yet, but it depends on the Republican majority and the President and Vice President to take action as they have in the past week and for both to concentrate on the conservative agenda that they were elected on. The vote to reduce the budget last week was a great start. Add to that the confirmation of Judge Alito which will begin in January and the right has a good foundation to prevent the liberal take over. President Bush needs to use the, "bully pulpit, " of the Presidency more effectively than he has. One of the aspects that made President Reagan so effective as a leader was his tremendous ability to communicate his agenda and his thoughts to the people. Even when his administration was struggling and I think particularly about the Iran-Contra hearings, President Reagan went before the people and the country always rallied behind him thus giving him the ability to push the conservative agenda through what was then a liberal Congress. President Bush does not have the communication skills of Reagan but he does have a similar vision and passion for this nation and every time he goes before the country this passion and his likability cause the people to rally behind him. Every President takes a nose dive in the polls at this point in a second term and Bush will rebound as have others before him. Still the necessity of grasping to the conservative agenda , less government a strong and effective military, dealing with the border situation and making tax cuts permanent then effectively telling this story to the American people especially getting extensive coverage on the Iraq successes and the truth about what WMD's that have been found as well as the documents that have surfaced proving the Iraq-Al Qaeda connection will culminate in the defeat of this liberal take over attempt and prove to the nation just who these left wingers truly are. The time for action is now for the consequences of inaction will be the a successful liberal take over and the socializing of our Republic and a successful rebuilding of terrorist networks which will culminate in terror attacks throughout the world as we have not seen before and possibly another 9/11 or worse.
Ken Taylor
Extremely good post! I'm getting ready to take a much needed nap. When I do, I shall pull the cover over my head to keep out the light, at which time I will be more "under cover" than Valery Plame was! :)
BTW: Forgot to mention that when I get time I shall return the favor and add you to my Links.
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I agree with Gayle, this is a magnificent post. It is good to see other people who see that the Democrats rely on scandals and villainy to try to gain power, while the Republicans are using a positive agenda to build up America as their way of gaining and maintaining power.
BTW: You are picking up electronic spam. If you turn off Anonymous comments this stuff will not be able to get in.
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You will notice that three comments have been removed from this article. While we encourage all comments we do not tolarate comments that are filled with foul language or comments that while expressing an opinion attempt to write a post using this website as a forum. To anonymous that feels that this is his site. I will be glad to debate you in the comment section if you have the guts enough to leave a return url instead of taking the cowards way out and posting anonymous! Either way I will not tolarate the language that you choose, especially the "F" word at this site!
Ken Taylor
Very interesting information to read, may be useful for everything
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