The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

Exposing the Liberal Lie through current events and history. “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ****** "We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we may always be free." RONALD REAGAN

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

HISTORICAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ABRAHAM LINCOLN

Sunday, September 17, 2006


With the primaries completed and the observance of the fifth anniverasry of September 11 remembered the 2006 election race is finally in full swing. Voters will turn out throughout the country on the first Tuesday in November to elect the House, 1/3 of the Senate and several Governors as well as State legistalators and numerous state and local government positions. In other words the mid-term elections are upon us. The usual attack adds will flood the airways over the next few weeks. The Sunday and daily talking heads will deliver their , "expert," analysis of how the election is shaping up and even predict the outcome. Everybody and his brother or sister will be brought in as a guest on the news shows providing their learned commentary and opinion on every candidate and especially the furture make up of the House and Senate. Polsters will step into high gear and polls will give daily reports as to who is in the lead and which party will be in the majority when election night finally comes and the totals begin pouring in. Both parties will continue to jocky for position as the season progresses and daily reports on who the President is campaigning for and which GOP candidate is embracing or distancing themselves from Bush will be a part of the daily poltical fodder on the news channels. So whether you are ready or not the political season is open and in high gear and the next few weeks will be a constant barrage of politics, political attacks, charges and counter charges and accusations, politisizing everything and each party emphasizing the others failures. In other words business as usual only on a grander scale because the election is just around the corner. When all is said and done though the, "experts, " who study and talk this political game regularly and the polsters crunching their numbers and spinning their questions to the select few who have ever been contacted by a polling group, ( I ask you have you been or do you know anyone ever contacted by a polster ?), in the end the only , "expert, " that counts and the only poll that is exact and true is the one that brings the results on election day. The voter is the only actuality that decides who is elected and how every race turns out and as has been the case in the last several elections all of the polls and political discussion that took place before the election did not even closely predict or determine the outcome. That, thankfully is still up to you and I the electorate who cast their vote in accordance to their individual thoughts and beliefs on election day.

So how then do you plan to vote ? Anyone who has read my thoughts and understands my political philosophy know that though a life time member of the Republican Party I am a conservative first and a Republican second. I have discussed in detail several times through various posts my disagreements with the way that the Republican majority has handled several issues from the rampant spending that thankfully has finally shown signs of some control, the border issue which I beleive both parties have not truly dealt with and the growth of governemt that goes against conservative ideology of less and smaller government. I will admit whether it is motivated by the coming election or a true understanding by the majority of the conservative base that placed them in office in the first place, much of the proposed legislation that has come before the House and Senate recently has begun to show signs of control and reducing government but still falls far short of true conservatism and thus has caused a disconnect between the Republican voter and the majority. This said though I have my disagreements I do not believe that anyone because of their discontent should stay home on election day. Even if we disagree we cannot expect our voice to be heard unless we excersize the right to use that voice through our vote.

That is why I share with you why I am voting Republican on election day and not as a camp follower because if you have ever read my thoughts then you know that I think on my own and do not just follow the, "party, " line. Even with their short falls I believe that the Republican agenda is still the most progressive for the country and has the greatest chance of continuting the economic growth and protecting the nation than that of the Demcorats. The Democrats though voting for funding of the war have continually undermined and fought against the execution of the war and the implimintation of policy in combatting the enemy. I fully believe that if the Democrats were to gain the majority then the war would gradually end in a military scense and be returned to a law enforcment problem only which was a failed policy for decades in combatting terrorism. This war requires every aspect of US action from law enforcement to military, from intelligence to the individual citizen and this is the position of the Republican Party whcih is almost polar opposite of the Democrats. For the security of the nation a Republican majority is needed.

Republican's have a stronger stance on border security though I still believe that both parties have failed on this issue. If the borders are to become secure and the illegal problem controled then the Republicans are the best chance if for nothing else than when push comes to shove they have listened to the out cry of the conservative base in every instance that we have pushed them into action by our voice and conservatives believe in tough borders and in enforcement of the law concerning illegals and employers who hire illegals. The Democrats have shown that though they favor border security they don't favor border closing or fencing and back programs that lean toward making illegals dependent on government programs rather than making them obey the law thus creating a voter block for the Democrats.

From an economic stand point there is no question between the parties. The Republicans believe in cutting taxes the Democrats believe in raising taxes. It has been proven time and again that when taxes are cut and the people determine how their money is spent then it grows the economy as compared to more taxes and government spending rather than the individual. The Republicans favor business and allowing business to grow thus providing jobs and strength for the economy. The Democrats favor regulating business so that the government can determine how their business operates and raising the minimum wage which has proven every time to stagnate the economy because it takes control of payroll out of the hand of the business owner and forces him to slow hiring to comply with wage demands. The minimum wage was designed to be a starting wage for entry level workers and not a living wage for every worker. 90% of those on minimum wage are new workers who have just enetered the work force and not had time to better themselves. Raising the minimum wage will hurt economic growth and this the Republican's know.

If the Democrats were to gain the majority then this country would face hearings and continual demands by the Democrats for the impeachment of the President not because they have real evidence but because of their hatred of Bush and their belief that he stole the 2000 election which has festered in their party ever since. The job of government whether the execution of the war or the daily legislative process will grind to a halt while the Democrats go after Bush and attempt to remove him from office. This is the goal and base of their agenda and is what they will follow if in the majority.

Whether you agree with my analysis or not the key to expressing our voice as an electorate is to vote. To my conservative friends, I urge you though discouraged as we are and in disagreement on many things with the majority do not sit at home and think that by not voting for the Republican's you are sending a message and that by placing the Democrats n the majority it will be providing a wake up call to the GOP. The results as I have outlined will be disaterous. We as conservatives have made our voice heard before and the GOP has proven that when we speek they listen so please vote and let your voice be heard in Washington.

Ken Taylor


Blogger Rob said...

I totally respect your opinion and your right to vote the way you please. Republicans have been running Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court and what have we gotten? Not much.

As I have pointed out in the past, they haven't done anything on border security, the Iraq war is a mess, they have exploded the size and spending of government, the national debt, budget and trade deficits have all blown up. I could go on, but there is no real reason to rehash everything.

I don't know if the House and/or the Senate will turn over. If I were betting I would say the House would and the Senate would not. However, one thing is clear to me, Dems will gain in both houses of Congress.

Let's see what happens.

12:57 PM, September 17, 2006  
Blogger John R said...

Losing the House would be a shame, and that loss Could be blamed upon the RINO members of the Senate. For the most part, the House Republicans have remained true to their conservative base, moving to the left only to support the Administration. On the other hand the Senate has been an embarrassment to the GOP. The Senate can be directly blamed for much of the general backlash to Republicans that we are now experiencing.

6:17 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:50 PM, September 17, 2006  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

The above comment was removed because it was an advertisment

10:11 AM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger The Liberal Lie The Conservative Truth said...

Rob, Your comment about the GOP running all three branches is not quite right. Though Roberts and Alito have been added to the Supreme Court, the court still tends to lean left so it is not a conservative court even with the additions.

The House races have been running a little more toward the GOP in the last few weeks but as I said and as you have stated polls make no difference it is what takes place on election day that counts.

JR, Agreed the Senate has been the big embarassment to conservatives especially McCain, Graham, Spector. The more liberal GOP like Chaffie from Rhode Island one expects to vote and act as he does. But especially Graham who is from my state. He won running on a conservative platform and has abandoned most of what he ran on. There is a general disgust with Graham here in SC and talk of running a true conservative in 08 to boot this disappointment out of office.

10:19 AM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger Rob said...

I am not clear on why you think the Supreme Court leans left. Seven of the 9 Justices were named by Republican presidents. This was true even before Alito and Roberts. If anything, the Court has leaned right and leans even further right with Alito and Roberts.

1:15 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but I didn't make it through the last two paragraphs after being so insulted by so much garbage, so many lies from a fool who knows nothing about nothing.

Pluto cratic fascist naziesque orwellian roveianlly infanticidal republicans.
If you're all so conservative, why when you are in the middle of three simultaneous wars is there no draft? Why is it that only the most information naive and economically vulnerable patriots are targeted for joining the armed services? I find the overwhelming evidence proves you are plutocratic fascist. Your own brain contains only fascist and ultra neo conserative ideology and has been carefully manicured for two hundred and thirty years.
If you're all so conservative why the record setting deficits continually while demanding the rest of the free world remain within threee per cent of their GDP for their deficits. Your press and government has been beating up on the free world and especially the Euro Zone members about their deficits with extreme prejudice for decades. The hypocrisy is so incredible, so evil the only way to sum it up is by calling your bosses satan. They love the reputation.

3:35 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger MDConservative said...

“If you're all so conservative, why when you are in the middle of three simultaneous wars is there no draft?”
- Three wars? I was aware of only one, just because there are multiple fronts does not make each an independent war. Are the other two the ones where the “US Governement is trying to hunt you down”? How are the book sales going?

“Why is it that only the most information naive and economically vulnerable patriots are targeted for joining the armed services?”
- Really, so explain to me why 90% of military recruits have a high school diploma? Why almost 2/3 of recruits are from the top half of America in math and verbal aptitudes? Why do reports show that more recruits are coming from the middle class with less coming from the poor? Why is it that urban areas are underrepresented while suburban and rural areas are overrepresented? African American’s make up 17% of the forces, and account for 11% of the deaths. Whites account for 67% of the forces yet represent 74% of the deaths.

If you had actually FINISHED reading after the analysis, Ken was calling for what you claim to want, “express your voice and vote.” Oh you don’t want that because we are evil… blah blah blah.

12:47 PM, September 19, 2006  
Blogger MDConservative said...

I did what you asked. Number 1, we who join the military don’t do it “for the money.” So the idea that a soldier would expect the same amount of money as a private contractor is ridiculous. Number 2, if this water is so infected why aren’t we hearing about 100’s of soldiers becoming ill from it?

That was a waste of 6 minutes and 12 seconds of my life. Gee Keith is such a great analyst, as Truman a democrat did with a democrat administration. Did you ever kick back and think that if democrats little hobby of destroying the military and making it smaller came to an end we wouldn’t have to use as many private contractors?

I don’t vote “republican”, I vote on the best interest of America and especially who will do the most for our military. I cannot help the fact that the people in that category happen to be republicans.

2:46 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I sure am glad you yanks focus on politics. Do you realize how the decisions you make at the county level affect all the world? Every other country on the planet is jumping to your tune trying to bite a piece off that 11.7 trillion dollar economy while trying to avoid being smacked down.

Hollywood has a multibillion dollar investment in canada. They benefit from a dollar that has hovered anywhere from 60 cents to 90 cents U.S., there are huge government tax incentives here to protect our own industry and invite Hollywood in. Hollywood comes up here and has a preponderance to select locations that are affiliated with a particular ethnicity of organized crime hangouts to spend lavishley on the rentals. In the maintainence of plutocracies there is a certain level of criminality the executive feels it must maintain as a pipeline of control to the street. The ideal of eliminating crime is a joke to them. They want to experiment with differing levels of criminality to control the public and determine base line levels of what a conservative postion would be for police funding. What level of criminality do you think America has used in winning the cold war? Remember the Russians wanted to do business with the world, take little and leave lots, avoid religions propensity to be manipulated by rulers desires competing against Wall St.'s 7 million dollar birthdays, 20 - 40 million an year salary, 200 million severance and 500 million pension plans. If you were a fledging democracy who could you afford? In order for America to win the cold war what level of criminality have you exploited in say Haiti, El Salvador, Guatemala, saddam hussein in Iraq, the former shah in Iran, Marcos, Noriega, Pinochet, Bin Laden to fight the Russians in Afghanistan? What sort of level of criminality won the war? Americas objectives globally to spread itself incorporated the use of some of the most horrific thugs the world has ever seen

The attempts to destroy universal health care in canada and globally provide a lucrative incentive for many plutocrats and investment brokers. Politically created legislation that allows the pharmaceutical industry to spend more money on advertising than research and developement, more money legally bribing doctors every year than research and developemnt. The tax deductions inflationary costs are used to force the wages of organized labor down all around the world. The deliberate creation of a bloated group of companies to manipulate the market. Personally I feel that a conservative politician could never draft something so outrageous. How is it that conservatives say they don't like big oligopolisitic corporations and yet provide the legislation for them to be more monopolistic. Personally I see boutique bio tech start ups as the future like they do. The behemoth pharmaceutical companies want to be able to buy the boutique bio techs up and inflate the costs of any potentially life saving drug before marketing it. Big bloated cororations driving up the prices deliberately is nothing new. Conservative politicians who actually have been lobbied to create legislation I find this outrageously anti competitive and anti conservative. The neo conservative strategy is to lie to you and make like the politicians are doing the right thing behind your back.

You know what's really sad is that my arguments are derived from literature conservative Americans gave me. The screaming I do is simply a rehashing of things other Americans say. I am a half wit who has had the time to keep up with the news and my opinion is formulated from your suffering.

What's good for Americans is good for us, you need some more responsible compassionate conservative leaders.

There is no future for hawks. The 11.7 trillion dolar economy and 500 billion a year pentagon have been neutered by bathtub chemists and things like pigmentation weapons. The acknowledgement of biological weapons being the future should make any of you hawks lose a load in your shorts. Israel and South Africa hid small financially insignificant developement of these weapons inside their budgets and we were lucky enough to learn of the strong genetic ties between the Israelis and their Arab neighbors. Online you can read small theorists discussing the various isotope alternatives to make a shelf life of 50 calibre nuclear mini bullets that the manufacturer would benefit from the most. The future of the release of a truly horrific biological weapon is a good reason to ratchet down the violence as it is impossible to trace , cheap to produce and easy to implement. Forgive me for the harshness of my dialogue with you but I'd prefer you don't hold my hand if you want to play lemming.

5:07 PM, September 22, 2006  
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2:38 AM, July 20, 2015  

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